Saturday, February 17, 2024

Used To Wear Brand Sneakers. Now Wear $16 Sneakers

Used to wear Adidas and Nike when I was middle-aged, I started wearing $16  sneakers made in China some 20 or so years ago. The first ones wore out quickly and were low quality, but the last one I bought lasted over 6-7 years before I bought another one a few days ago.

I noticed on the subway, over 90% wear no-brand shoes, like me. Many tourists wear famous brand shoes, so do people who drive expensive cars.

Use to drive but now I take the subway much more often as it is free for people over 65 in Seoul. Many politicians want to do away with the free pass for over 65. However, pensions and other social safety nets started in around 1988, I think, so most people over 65 receive very little pensions. If they had to pay for the subway, then that would use up around a third of most of their pensions.

Might as well take the subways in Seoul while they are free.