Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Atoms Decay?

According to theory, atoms will decay into "nothing" (radiation). Takes billions of times longer than the age of the universe though. I thought stable atoms lasted forever.

Futurism: Science Explained: Do Atoms Last Forever?

If all mass is turned into radiation, and that radiation is traveling at the speed of light, then the radiation senses no time and space. Isn't that the condition of the big bang? Intense radiation with inflation. But in this case, there is no need for inflation. That is what Sir Roger Penrose postulated in the video embedded in the previous post.

Does time only exist when there is mass?

Monday, May 28, 2018

A "Big Bang" Theory I Can Understand

I was very skeptical of the big bang theory, but in the following video is a kind of a "big bang" theory that I can agree with.

Crooked Judges?

Just a few years ago, I was too scared to write anything criticizing past conservative Korean governments or the conservative party. They could put conservatively minded police, intelligence service and prosecutors on you. Possibly frame you as a North Korean spy or sympathizer.

I also often wondered about some Supreme Court's rulings. Some seemed very unjust. Now, we are beginning to find rare evidence revealing the crooked inner workings of the Korean justice system. 

It appears that the courts spied on liberal judges in order to get incriminating evidence against them, and influenced rulings to favor the rich and powerful. 

Below is a an article about a former Head Justice of the Supreme Court trying to influence a former Korean President through rulings favorable to conservatives (against labor unions, etc.), and favoring conservative judges over liberal ones. The majority of abuses will never become public, so few will know how terrible the situation was and still is, since some of the people involved are still in office. 

On the bright side, it's much better now than before. 

Before 1980, only Koreans granted permission by the government were allowed to go abroad. Articles critical of Korea in Time and Newsweek were censored. There was a curfew from 12 to 4 in the morning. Police randomly stopped people on the street and searched bags, hassled long haired people, and those wearing short skirts. Bribery was common. Alcohol and cigarettes were encouraged on TV, and in real life. 

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Is Will A Force or Energy?

If you want to move a pencil, you first have to think and will yourself to do it. Somewhere along the line, that will is transformed to electrical, chemical or other physical force. From metaphysical, it seems, to physical. From a non-local dimension to the physical dimension. So, there is a connection, somewhere.

Smash photons together and you get matter and anti-matter.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Different God? Same God?

Freeman Dyson seems to see the same God as I.

He wrote, “I do not make any clear distinction between mind and God. God is what mind becomes when it has passed beyond the scale of our comprehension. God may be considered to be either a world-soul or a collection of world souls. We are the chief inlets of God on this planet at the present stage in his development. We may later grow with him as he grows, or we may be left behind.”.

Slight difference of opinion in the details, but uncannily similar. 

If you leave a hydrogen atom alone in empty space, does it exist forever?
Is thought/knowledge a dimension?

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Mass Cognitive Dissonance?

People, me included, hoarding wealth, when many need the money much more desperately. Many make up through church, charity, and other good deeds.

Praying? I avoid praying. I think it distances me from God. God is in my head, why bother? Supposed to know everything.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Examples of Non-local Dimensions?

Meaning or concepts? Mathematical laws? Logic? ...

Scientific American: A Super-Simple, Non-Quantum Theory of Eternal Consciousness

The metaphysical is definitely connected to the physical. 

Is God an emergent phenomenon from a Group Of Dimensions?