Friday, April 27, 2018

Non-local Dimensions

"Spooky action at a distance" seems to be proof that there is a dimension or thing that is non-local. Dimensions that are not influenced by distance, space, and maybe also time.

Scientific American: Should Quantum Anomalies Make Us Rethink Reality?

Thursday, April 26, 2018


Before civilization, humans had the freedom to feed themselves. Now, that is impossible. All of the land is owned by someone else, no hunting allowed, not enough fish, and so on.

If society took away the freedom to feed one's self, then society needs to make amends. Society should guarantee the freedom of the right to feed oneself, or the equivalent. Right to a job that affords basic food and shelter.

However, jobs are becoming scarcer. Right to basic food and shelter for all.

HuffPost: Towns Trying Out A Basic-Income Scheme And Changing Lives

Sunday, April 8, 2018

How Do They Measure The Age Of Black Holes?

I can understand how they can do it for stars. Also, if time stops in the center of the black hole....

They found a galaxy without dark matter. Why do some less dense galaxies have no dark matter, but dense ones do?

Forbes: 5 Ways To Make A Galaxy With No Dark Matter