Saturday, June 22, 2019

Capitalism is just a phase. Chill.

Guess there are always seemingly infinite perspectives on everything, which is good.

Concentration of wealth, increase in poverty the world population and in our country, really pisses me off. We have enough money to feed and house the world, but not the collective will. However, on the other hand, it is just a transition.

They say that a majority of the total population is not needed in order to cause the downfall of a government. Maybe having a vocal 20% might be enough to cause change in the world.

In the beginning, physical superiority was number one. Then came societies, like the feudal systems and dictatorships (kingdoms), along with religions. Democracy, socialism and capitalism also came into being replacing dictatorships. Society will evolve, as it always has in the past.

Young people care about the world as much as our generation in the 70s.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Emergent Dimensions In Systems

In a system of nothing, there are no dimensions. If you introduce an infinitesimal string of energy, then you have the dimensions of energy and time. If there are two strings, then you have the dimensions of space, time, energy, and probably some others. As the system gets more complex, more dimensions arise (consciousness, life, memory, logic/knowledge, will, good).

Maybe there are space/time, energy, and a few metaphysical dimensions?

Everything Everyone seems to live/exist in a separate yet connected universe?

Maybe good or God is a dimension? An aspect of life, like constructiveness?