Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Two Aides To Ex-President Myung-bak Lee Arrested For Bribery And Misappropriation Of Funds

It seems they are implicating former Korean President Lee in the scandal surrounding the misuse of secret funds from the intelligence agency amounting to approximately $400,000.

Yonhap News: Arrest warrants sought for 2 former aides of ex-President Lee over bribery

The arrest warrants were issued early this morning. 

Let's see, Presidents Lee Sung-man, Park Chung-hee, Chun Do-hwan, Noh Tae-woo, and Park Keun-hye all committed crimes. Two received life sentences (Chun Do-hwan and Noh Tae-woo), but were given Presidential pardons. Park Keun-hye will probably be sentenced to many years in jail. Now, it looks like Myung-bak Lee may be indicted. Only three former Korean Presidents were "clean"?

With these kinds of people leading Korea, it's a miracle that Korea has developed so much economically, and a tragedy that Korea has such an "unjust" society at the moment. Seems like a country half run by crooks.  

Monday, January 15, 2018

Will Ex-President Myung-bak Lee Go To Jail?


It looks like he abused power during his presidency for personal gain, blacklisted liberal figures, used government agency to spread pro-conservative propaganda, spied on liberal figures, received funds illegally from the intelligence agency, obstruction of justice, and more. Even though almost a decade has passed, there should still be enough information out there to convict him.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Korea Today

In Korea, the birth rate is really low and dropping. People want a bright future for their child. If they feel their children would not be able to get a job and have a good life, they probably would put off having children. Then there are those who choose not to have children for other reasons.

Korean TV broadcasting companies, MBC and YTN, recently changed CEOs. Another broadcasting company, KBS, just fired their CEO yesterday and should appoint a new one soon. Suddenly, I am able to watch some TV without getting ticked off now.

1987, a movie about the 1987 protests for democracy ignited by the deaths of two students was released last week. One died while being waterboarded by the authorities. They claimed he just gasped and died. Another was killed by an exploding tear gas canister aimed at his head.

The prosecutors found evidence that ex-President Keun-hye Park asked for money from the intelligence agency (over $3 million) and used it to pay for personal expenses and staff. On TV, they keep showing footage of her swearing on TV that she never thought of her personal interests, but acted only for the good of the country.  

TV from the 60s and 70s 

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Legalize Pot and Pot Use Among Young People Drops?

Happened in the Netherlands, Portugal and Colorado, I think.

CBS News: Measuring Colorado's "great experiment" with marijuana

So, governments that do not legalize pot are contributing to increased drug use by young people?
Too bad you can't sue governments.

Friday, January 5, 2018