Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Black Holes Are Wormholes?

That would assume that the mass entering the black hole is exiting somewhere. That would probably mean that the black hole cannot indefinitely grow in mass and would lose mass eventually. 

Maybe the wormhole is created only after the black hole has reached a certain mass, or the rate that mass is ejected out is slow enough to make detection almost impossible. Could be both.

Might take generations, or close to forever, to observe any loss of mass in black holes, while black holes gaining mass have already been observed. 

Maybe the mass inside black holes are slowly being turned into something else that can escape gravity, some thing other than "Hawking radiation".

Does it take energy to create "space" or "time"? Maybe space-time and energy are inseparable... 

Photons have no mass, yet cannot escape the gravity of black holes. Why? Photons have zero rest mass (when they are not moving relative to the observer). But by definition, they are moving very fast, so they have mass. 

So, if photons are stuck inside a black hole, they achieve zero rest mass and cease to exist? What happens to their energy? Maybe they continue to zip around inside the black hole?

Does thought have mass? If thought is only the total of chemical and electrical processes, then indirectly, yes.

Also, what is God? Some thing mostly beyond our comprehension as many religions state?

Many people avoid deep thought? In many cases, yes. But why? Cognitive dissonance? 

Religions say that God is, is the source of, or gives knowledge. Could be all of those...

Ever notice how "bad" people avoid deep or serious thought and tend to contradict themselves? Cognitive dissonance can do that. 

Is it evidence of a God, or a natural law?

Friday, September 18, 2020

Right not to wear masks?

Many cognitively dissonant ones are very outspoken about their right not to wear a mask.

Do they have the right to to kill people, albeit indirectly, by not wearing a mask?

If everyone wore masks and socially distanced, then there is no way that COVID-19 will spread. The rate of transmission will be so low, it is statistically and realistically impossible for it to become widespread.

Rights? People have the right to smoke cigarettes, but not everywhere. Why, it causes cancer even through second hand smoke. 

Self inflicted miracle: I have had three bladder cancer surgeries in six years due to smoking, a couple of decades ago. Used to sneak in a cigarette or two every day, but still got cancer. A cigarette once in a while, still got cancer. Finally quit and no more cancer.

I thought I was a goner. Did all the things I wanted to do before I died, met old friends, contemplated in death, but failed to die. 

Made and makes life seem and feel very different. 

COVID-19 pandemic and closing of businesses versus everyone wearing masks, socially distancing, washing hands, avoiding crowded places. What is the logical choice?

In Korea, most people, I estimate over 95%, wear masks outside. However, there are some cognitively dissonant people who message over one million people for a mass protest (pro-conservative right wing), as well as churches that hold crowded services and lie to health authorities to hinder contact tracing, people who break quarantine, go to coffee shops, restaurants, bars and infect other people. 

That is why we still have coronavirus in Korea. 

In China, I read that everyone has an app that is used to enter places. If you are not infected and have had no contact or been in close proximity of an infected person, you can enter. If not, no. And I think they still wear masks. 

If someone is infected in China, they close down and isolate the neighborhood for a few weeks. No chance of spreading the infection. 

People seem to have too many rights that are essentially very wrong.

Right of free speech? Right to outright lie for questionable purposes?

Don't people have the right and obligation to speak in a constructive and polite manner to each other?

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Separate God From Religion?

Good idea? Sure would be nice.

Think about it. Would a God approve of religions? Did God write the Bible? Did God edit, translate or assemble separate writings into the Bible?

I am certain that I know way more than the total of what I have learned, experienced, observed, contemplated and so on.

Why? Some sort of God driven or bestowed enlightenment? That is what I have concluded.

Read an article in Science Daily: Unconscious learning underlies belief in God, study suggests

For me, knowing ridiculously far more than I should, as well as too many coincidences and synchronicities underlie my belief in a God that is mostly unrelated to religions.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Cosmic Inflation, Beginning of Time?

A couple of concepts that I have doubted. And now many physicists doubt them also.

BBC: Future: What if the Universe has no end?

In this article is a part on Roger Penrose, who predicts that almost all matter in the Universe will be be absorbed by huge massive black holes, which will evaporate and disappear through Hawking Radiation. Then the universe will basically be made of photons and become a singularity (which is what the universe was at the time of the Big Bang). 

Something to think about - Photons, or light, do not experience time (current theories of physics state so), and thus, are not affected by distance. 

I wrote a related post. Maybe a decade ago? Seems Roger Penrose theory is gaining recognition.