Sunday, April 30, 2017

Global Market For Marijuana is $141.80 Billion

According to the 2005 United Nations World Drug Report, the total value of world’s marijuana market is $141.80 Billion.

Israel Continues Being Leader in Cannabis Research

Hebrew University of Jerusalem has established a Multidisciplinary Center on Cannabinoid Research to conduct and coordinate research about cannabinoids, endocannabinoids, medical cannabis in addition to promoting collaboration and dissemination of information.

Academic institutions and pharmaceutical companies worldwide are also channeling enormous efforts to basic and clinical research in this field.

Jerusalem Post: Hebrew University launches multidisciplinary center on medical marijuana 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Rich Get Richer, While Poor Get Poorer

This is true in Korea and other countries. With the future potential loss of jobs to AI and robots, the poor will only get poorer. While those who hold shares, own companies, or have real estate will keep getting richer.

Read all about it in the article below.

Bloomberg: America’s Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Replaced by Robots

So, what are you gonna do about it, Korea? No plans?

ASTM Committee Formed to Develop International Standards for Cannabis

Sounds like everyone is planning for the legalization and commercialization of marijuana except for Korea.

Why doesn't anybody listen in Korea? Geez! Could help solve economic, health, and other problems.

ASTM: Committee D37 on Cannabis 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Thousands Gather to Share Research on Psychedelics

More than 2,600 doctors, professors, health-industry professionals and psychedelic experts will gather to share the latest research on drugs.

From April 19-24, at Psychedelic Science 2017, more than 100 presentations on the therapeutic uses of psychedelics, neuroscience behind this research, the spread of psychedelic culture into the mainstream and more
The conference is being co-hosted by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) and the UK-based Beckley Foundation.

Wonder how many Koreans will be there? Pretty sure there will be some.

BBC Film Implicates Korean Government In Sewol Ferry Disaster

The Korean media seemed to point all the blame at the operators of the ferry. However, the Korean government and corruption were also to blame.

There were supposed to be safety inspections, training, and other regulatory procedures which were not carried out properly or not at all. 

The ferry was illegally modified and still passed the safety inspection when it was commissioned after being renovated. 

The ferry was overloaded and the freight was not properly locked down.

The people manning the Coast Guard stations were negligent in their duties. The actions of the Coast Guard and Korean Navy did not positively or effectively assist in the rescue. 

The situation room at the Presidential compound which is supposed to be used in these kinds of disasters was not used. 

And so on...

The BBC film focuses on these points. Thank you BBC for doing something mainstream Korean media cannot seem to do. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Highest Percentage of Americans Approve of Marijuana Legalization

61% of Americans polled want marijuana to be legalized in the US and 88% want legal medical marijuana. That is the highest ever percentage. More than half of those polled believed that alcohol was more harmful than marijuana while only 8% felt that pot was worse than alcohol.

Time: Number of Americans Supporting Legal Pot Shoots Higher

In a few years Canada, US will have legal pot. Two countries have legalized pot already. It is widely used around the world.

Korea, when will you start changing your outdated laws and prejudices? Probably losing at least several billions of dollars while in denial of a drug problem. They always say on TV that there is no drug problem in Korea. Maybe less in Korea, but why do young Koreans go abroad so often and spend so much money?

It seems useless to rant and rave, but it relieves some of the stress.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Science Proves Existence Of "Higher" Consciousness

Neuroscientists observed increased neural signal diversity in people under the influence of psychedelic drugs.

The diversity of brain signals provides a mathematical index to show the level of consciousness. For example, people who are awake have more diverse neural activity than those who are sleeping.

This makes being high, a more alert state of consciousness. Contrary to popular belief that stoners are dumb, they are merely more interested in their thoughts than other people's opinions of them.

Just luv science!

Science Daily News: Evidence of a 'higher' state of consciousness?

Many US congressmen predict federally legal recreational marijuana within 5 years. What is Korea doing? Losing out on all those billions of dollars and jobs.

Huffington Post: Lawmaker Predicts Marijuana Will Be Legal Within 5 Years

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

How Korea Could Collapse

There was an article on BBC about how Western civilization could collapse. The arguments seem almost tailored for how Korea could collapse. There are a  lot of baby boomers with , no jobs, no income and no pensions. While the rich get richer.

BBC: How Western civilization could collapse

Monday, April 17, 2017

Majority of Americans Have Used Marijuana

Maybe that is why it is a great nation! Way to go.

I am guessing that the majority of Koreans who studied in the US used marijuana also.

NBC News: New Poll Finds Majority of Americans Have Smoked Marijuana

Thursday, April 13, 2017

US May Strike North Korea

The US is considering launching strikes against North Korea, if it proceeds with nuclear tests. Getting a little uncomfortable in Seoul. 

If the US does strike, they would need to take out most of North Korea's artillery, or Seoul is toast.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

1,600 Marijuana Related Bills Pending in US

There are over 1,600 bills pending in Federal and State governments in the US.

How many in Korea? Maybe zero? If there are no bills for marijuana, then could the reason be that there is zero tolerance, and serious repression of free ideas outside the norm? Is it a democracy? Legally, yes. But...

NORML: Weekly Legislative Roundup 4/01/17

South African Court Approves Home Marijuana Use

South Africa legalized medicinal marijuana last year and this year, a South African court just ruled against a part of a law that prohibits private and personal use of marijuana.

Voice Of America: South African Court OKs Marijuana for Home Use 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Argentina Legalizes Medical Marijuana

Soon in Argentina, patients will be provided with medical marijuana free of charge!

Drug Policy Alliance: Argentina Legalizes Medical Marijuana

Other countries in the Americas that have legalized -

Uruguay and Jamaica have legalized marijuana use.
Chile was the first Latin American country to cultivate marijuana for oncology patients.
Colombia and Puerto Rico legalized medical marijuana.
Mexico and Brazil allow imports of marijuana-derived medicines
Costa Rica and Peru are discussing legislation to legalize marijuana.

The United States has 28 states that allow access to medical marijuana.