According to a study in Science Daily: New discovery about distant galaxies: Stars are more massive than we thought
"... stars in distant galaxies are typically more massive than those in our local neighborhoods, and that the farther away the researchers look, the more massive the average stars become.", the study stated.
Maybe, dark matter might not be needed to explain 'missing mass' of spinning far off galaxies and stuff?
Still need something to explain dark energy. Wonder if black holes turn mass into space? The two great unknowns might have a connection. If mass can be turned into energy in stars, maybe mass turns into space inside a black hole? Who knows? Space is related to time, energy and mass, so seems likely. Maybe even space-time.
In deep learning, AI software is designed to work like a human brain for certain functions. For example, placing importance or weight on current information over outdated information.
In a decade or so, there should be enough AI software to mimic most basic functions of the human brain? Eventually, probably mimic a human. Could it be then that the The Question is answered?