Probably quit if work required commuting to an office.
Working with negative people is hard because one is supposed to be polite and try to educate really negative people. It is much easier to be nice to such people by email. Sudden negative statements or actions appear to be more upsetting in direct person-to-person interaction.
After reading a negative statement from someone, one has time to adjust and attempt to remain serene.
In person, negative statements/actions can build up to where one is highly stressed.
Also, can save a couple hours by not commuting through traffic or crowds. Cars always appear to suddenly cut you off. People often brazenly cut in line. War zone. Certainly stressful and most likely influences how people act.
Compare that to leisurely watching TV and riding a spin bike, or just listening to music with tea and milk before work.
Productivity? Highly productive with clean copies.
Prefer online video meetings to physical meetings, also.
Scared to work with young people, these days. For some unknown reason, I must avoid setting a bad example. Could have a negative effect on their life, when one knows better. Say a few kind words, thank you, things to ease stress and encourage life.
Imagine if I had to work with a room full of young people? Ulcers? Depends on the young people, I guess. But there always seem to be some bad apples as a test of patience?
World would probably be better if less people commuted to work. Less stress, less pollution, less waste of energy and space. Less net expenditure of human effort.
Some people can do a lot of work from home, some can't.