Saturday, June 4, 2022

Noradrenaline Strengthens Certain Memories

Noradrenaline is secreted in the brain when a surprising event happens - fear, joy, etc.

Science Daily: Study examines why the memory of fear is seared into our brains

Science Daily: How the brain responds to surprising events

All these chemicals affect the brain and consciousness, but have not yet been proven to be the cause of consciousness?

Could consciousness be like a software program for an organism's identity? The current status of the being. Evolved to survive, but with too much leisure time....?

Time will tell. Chimps in zoos have time, so do pet dogs, but...  

Information on brain functions appears to be growing exponentially. Very little was known until recently.

THC consumption appears to lower background noise in the mind, so thoughts can vibrate with less interference? (Personal supposition)

But what background noise? Dissonance. Oh, I see now. Thanks.

Hear and 'feel' music more clearly? Taste more clearly? Think more clearly, for those who are able to think without dissonance?

With legalization, another age of metaphysics, or philosophy, will come sightly sooner? 

I used to think my thoughts led me here, but long ago, I came to the thought that 'something' led me here. Why would anyone think these thoughts, and for so long?