Knowledge in books and stored form is just symbols until it is processed and retained by a 'brain' or 'consciousness'.
Information has a metaphysical dimension and this dimension can be accessed by thought?
Or is it that information exists in a metaphysical dimension and this dimension can be accessed by thought? Or both? hehe.
So, when books are destroyed, only the physical dimension is destroyed. The metaphysical dimension (metaphysical concept, aspect) remains. So, just the physical information, not knowledge is lost, when a book is destroyed.
Good imagination? Or do thoughts resonate until they meet something that reflects the thoughts back to us and the mind coverts that something into consciousness, like some kind of radar?
Or do thoughts resonate until they meet something that is in the same key, or in tune with the thoughts and a 'node' (standing wave or resonance) is formed and the resonance then floats into consciousness?
Or do thoughts just interact with retained information in the mind until something resonates?
Could be all of the above, some thoughts to do this, some do that. LOL
Or when viewed from different perspectives?
Theory of Relativity was thought up by Einstein to resolve contradictions in physics.
Could do the same with metaphysics? A much more precise way of communication needs to be developed first. Extensive writing could be the ticket.
Scientific American: How the Brain ‘Constructs’ the Outside World
Summarized. There seems to be a process in the mind that reviews what is in the conscious, subconscious, stored information, and makes decisions about what to do and think.