Resonance and dissonance are relative and depends on the reference frequency or key.
So, the key for metaphysical, or maybe thought, resonance is truth? Logically.
Or, is it constructive knowledge can be built on truth and true assumptions? Seems to be both.
Resonance tends to linger longer than dissonance?
Strange society, if one thinks about it. Full of contradictions. Some people kill each other for fun in online games. Should be more advanced than that.
Wonder if mass shooters played FPS games.
Heroic rescuers, kidney donors, and other highly empathetic people have larger amygdalas than normal, per CNN report on heroes. The amygdala is related to generating the experience of fear and empathizing with other people's fear, the report said.
Fear is a mostly physically-based emotion? Can cause dissonance?
Lived in Manoa Valley, for a time. Language can be confusing. Interchangeably use so many words...