To fight diseases, the body sends antibodies, which can either be destructive or constructive depending on perspective and other things.
Intelligence, which seems to be related to truth, should survive? In theory, or by coincidence?
Deadly things like cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption could be like antibodies against dissonance? Used to drink and smoke cigarettes, but had a more self-centered and self-indulgent consciousness then.
Most effective antibody against cognitive dissonance is confused thinking, from the perspective of a collective consciousness.
Very intelligent conservative and powerful people are taking advantage of cognitively dissonant people by spreading false news and sleights of words to impart negative feelings toward something or someone, usually someone, and winning elections. Why is that? Is it ethical?
Like early TV programs in the US, all those black and white TV programs were about the 'ideal' family or 'ideal' life as interpreted by a few broadcasters and advertisers. Brainwashing people then and still today.
Saw some old acquaintances at a reunion, most are drinkers. Alcohol is definitely bad for brain cells and clear thinking, from personal observation over the decades. Does it seem that a majority of conservatives drink alcohol?
Are drunk presidents as bad as or more dangerous than drunk drivers?
Used to regret getting angry at the cognitively dissonant (extremely aggressive, bullying, etc.), but a good overall perspective might be needed. It is good to regret getting angry at cognitively consonant people.
Sort of impossible not to explode at some things that happen. Might as well drive the perpetrator even more crazy, for a while...
No bad or good people? Just happy and miserable people?