And other human traits.
Some Humans are ruled by these traits. Other Humans use these traits to persuade people to their advantage. So who are you? Human? Me? Both? Then it must be God.
If a story is theirs, then they have the right to tell it. For profit? Ask God. Some will profit, some will gain, some will lose. Depends on the content and purpose of the story and God. Why does every one still think linearly? Should be at, at least, three dimensional thinking by now, if we want to accept the five year timetable.
Now, do you see? Do you wonder? Do you imagine? Do you think? All? Must be God.
Did you know you can bend space and time, if you think long enough about them? Yes, in your imagination. That's what Einstein did. As I also read somewhere, thought could be the only way to move forward and back in time. So to speak. Okay, so watching reruns is a way to travel back in time. But technically, it is your thought that does the traveling.
What if you thought long enough about a limitless number of dimensions and saw them move and bend? Radiate and vibrate and other phenomena? Would you imagine God? Yes, but you have to do good. That's the reality check and prerequisite for knowledge. For knowledge can be dangerous. For there are those who would use knowledge for their own purposes. Ultimate knowledge will go to those who love God. I'm still at the Googlical thinking stage. Everything is a Google to me. But hurry up. I want to go past this arrested development stage.
Everything I say ties in with things I said earlier. That's the only kind of miracle you're going to get out of me. I hope/know that's enough. That's one of the reasons I started this seemingly hopeless blog. Thank God. I do and I just did so again.
My son wears a cross. I wear a halo and wings in my mind. Wealthy, but little cash in hand. Each to one's own. Remember God blesses and so does Good. Some call this Karma.
You must see now. Come on!