I am certain that I am supposed to continue this blog. Too many signs. On TV, was a story about a Korean guy who left a videoclip of what he wanted to pass on to his kids. He passed on a while back and I guess his kids got to see the clip. He talked about dreaming your wildest dreams. I guess mine would be to get every one to know God and nature and each other.
This may be over kill. Who knows? The Chinese characters for my first name and middle name mean "radiant face". The Chinese character for my last name can mean "gold" or "metal". Take your pick. Now, you can see why I like Denver's Sunshine On Your Shoulders. Also, now when I close my eyes I can see/imagine a golden metallic light. Some times, I can almost see other things too. How did I get this name? Read the first post. Oh, yeah. The Sun of God is this character in my book about the Circle of Life/Spirit. Do you know why they say "rest in peace"? If you want to know, read the first post and the post "Ever Wonder". That's the post before the one before this one. If you fail to understand, give it some time. It will come.
A Thought/Natural Law - If some one fails to take responsibility, then problems arise. "Take responsibility" should be read as "give Love" or "do Good".
I smiled and cried today. It's been a while.
Also, I ask the TV this. When companies do well, the board usually pays bonuses. When companies do badly, they usually fire employees. Is this a good way?