Saturday, April 7, 2007

Hard To Believe

Certainly Impossible Parts of Biblical And Other Stories.

Must be symbolism. Or representative nodes. How else can you explain God to humans?

Noah, only eight or so made it. And some animals. Enough to fit on a large wooden boat. That's a small number considering food and water supplies. Conclusion, you can only save a few. Then there are the lucky ones living on High Ground. Dig it. But at the same time, hell of a lot of lost beings. Did you know that there are an almost unlimited number of interpretations and nuances you can give to short sentences? Could symbolically call them colors? See God's Colors and Taints? Then you are flying in metaspace.

Wonder how many know God beyond the shadow of a doubt? Wonder how many know they are killing themselves? Physically? Spiritually? Both? Must be God?