The late Gustin L. Reichbach was a justice of the State Supreme Court in Brooklyn, who had been undergoing medical therapy for pancreatic cancer. He wrote the following article pleading that marijuana be legalized for medical purposes, because marijuana relieved pain, help him eat and sleep. When you cannot eat or sleep because of pain and nausea, and the only recourse for relief is marijuana, what do you do? The judge's friends despite all the legal risk, gave him some. And the hospital looked the other way when the judge toked away his last days.
NY Times: A Judge’s Plea for Pot
Marijuana Business Daily : Most Common Medical Conditions of Registered MMJ Patients
There have been an large increase in the number of new publications and organizations related to marijuana in the past year.
AI, Google, , George Soros (empathized medical marijuana as a path to legalization), Gates, Buffet, Tesla, Amazon, Branson, Marijuana.
Seems like the dawn of a new Golden Age. Sure, there are a lot of problems, but ...