The brain has different areas for different functions, and some neurons are huge and extend through the body.
It also seems like there are many brain states, for dreams, deep thought, and so on.
I think there are two types of operating modes or more for the brain. One is the action mode where thought is directed towards physical action, and simple "two-dimensional" decisions. The other is thought directed towards reflection, silence, in many cases with eyes closed, deep concentration, solving very complex problems with seemingly no solutions, and such.
It seems these two types develop sort of independently in adulthood. If one talks too much, and spends time only doing things, then that "action" brain function develops.
If one spends a lot of time in deep thought, that "thinking" brain function develops and "worthwhile" knowledge accumulates.
Seems like a lot of people spend their lifetimes acting out their lives, rather than thinking before they act. The barrier seems to be thoughts about death, purpose in life, running out of money and such. These thoughts are a headache and people want to avoid thinking about these in depth. It is hard and takes decades to get over hangups and complexes about these matters. Once one gets over their hangups about death, purpose, material wealth, and some other things, then thinking becomes very enjoyable and beneficial. Some never get past their hangups.
That's just my thinking. What's yours?