Thursday, May 25, 2017

Korean Media vs American Media

President Trump pushed for job creation, and the media discussed the topic.

President Moon pushed for job creation, and some of the Korean media report on business fearing repercussions from this type of policy.

There are a few favorable articles, like this one.

Korea Herald: Policy advisory panel calls for greater competition to create more jobs

However, most are somewhat negative in tone, asking if it will be possible to create jobs that way and encouraging negative feelings. Most of these articles are in Korean like the ones below.

Asia Times: 새 정부의 ‘비정규직 제로’ 정책… 증권업계도 가능할까
Sisa Journal: 유통업계 꺼내든 일자리 카드…‘질(質)’도 좋을까

The majority of Koreans seem to believe the media. However, growing numbers are becoming very skeptical.