I talked to the wife about God again. She sent me to the psychiatrist again. I finished my extensive psychiatric tests today, but I will get the official prognosis in two weeks. But the doctors looked very puzzled as to my reason for coming in. My wife insisted. Doctors said they thought I was fine. I tried to draw them into a conversation on the collective unconscious, but they definitely didn't want to talk about that. Impressed with my belief in God.
I had hoped, in part, that I was insane. But in most part, I hoped I was sane.
Jackson's song "Lives in Balance" was written so long ago, it seems. Yet, the lyrics are so right. Amazing. I know he knows what I know. And Kurt, I agree that we were put here on Earth to help each other and to evolve. And CNN, you compelled me to write this. I was going to disappear, but I guess I could do some good by continuing this blog once in a while.
I contacted a lot of governments, the Vatican, Arab newspapers, various organizations, etc. I guess I could contact some more, but would they even look at my blog (now that it's so long).
Oh, well. I figure I need to persuade about 3 billion more people to be good more often. I was told this might take well over 5 more years. Glad I'm medically certified sane. Only costs a little over $300, but I think it's well worth it.