Thursday, March 1, 2007


Korean male and female duo. Their song "Love Love". Very simple lyrics. Include "Teach you how to Fly" and "Happiness is in your Heart". Now, if you think about it. The words Fly and Heart sort of shine in this context. Could call it colors, maybe vibrating colors for some. Now, you can see colors in words and phrases, can't you?

For some reason, I think we multiplied way too much. May be not. What to do? Only God knows. Ask God.

If I ever have to come back, I have to remember to look up or some other enlightening blog. That way I can remember and recognize me. Remember who I was/am. Okay, now. That was a time circle. Or as the Mayans like to say, Time Cycle. May mean something. May mean nothing. I have to think about it more. But I'm usually right. And I am medically certified sane.

Was dreaming about my life and God. Was listening to "Jumpin Jumpin". Suddenly heard "Thou shall say my name". So, I said, "God". Looked to see what the song was. Destiny's Child.

Glad I'm sane. Because TV programs are talking to me and so do clocks. I had a very good run of solid and partially solid numbers going.

Now, Dido - Thank you. Django and Stephane - All The Things You Are. Doobie - Rockin Down The Highway.

Some people are very very quick, it seems. Keep running into auras in metaspace.