You are one part human, but over 99.9999999999999% not.
You are civilization. You are knowledge. You exist in many googles (dimensions, if you prefer).
That's about as close as I can explain this to most people.
They need to settle down and stock up on good energy first.
Also, this stuff can't be ultimately explained with science. But when you add everything up in science, it points to the stuff that I see in my mind. You mostly sense/feel it. And then your brain tries to tie it into the physical world. That is why you have to study and do good and be good. No hating, no worrying (maybe a tad), no being mean, nothing negative. You can only do things if there is some good in it. There's nothing good in being mean. There's some good in almost all things. Sex, money, sports, wealth, religion, etc. Just don't go too far. Please. Control yourself. Stop chasing your tails, people. You are wasting too much of your lives and nature.
The more truth I tell, the harder it is for people to believe. Just knew this would happen.