Friday, August 9, 2019

Really Shocked By Biased News On TV Chosun

The Korean TV channel's news reporting was so anti-Moon administration and twisted the truth far more than other TV channels that I felt obliged to looked it up on Wiki.

Wiki says -

It is owned by Chosun Ilbo, a newspaper that has been "criticized for its spotty fact-finding journalistic reporting" and has "a close relationship with far-right Liberty Korea Party".

The Liberty Korea Party changed its name because of former President Park Keun-hye. It is the main opposition party that is against every single thing that the Moon administration proposes and has boycotted almost every Parliamentary session in order to stop legislation from moving forward.

The party has changed its name several times, but the bad-mouthing, personal attacks, spreading of false news, agitating and trying to incite anger against a progressive government and boycotting of Parliamentary sessions have been its trademark ever since the administration of former President Roh Moo-hyun.

It worked to generate negative opinion against President Roh, and seemed to be working against President Moon, but just recently the Liberal Korea Party's approval ratings have fallen. When it rises, it is widely reported on the news and used as evidence of the alleged unpopularity and ineptness of President Moon, but when it falls, it is rarely reported and when it is, it is with little fanfare. When the next parliamentary elections are held next year, I hope the party disappears.

They used violence and physical detention of people in order to try to stop a bill reforming voting districts. There is a law against that. Now, they are refusing to show up for police questioning in the case. About 90 of them . All the other parties have responded to police requests, but the Liberal Korea Party is saying that the administration is using the police and prosecutors to suppress the opposition.

This party has a habit of accusing others of things that they do and have done when they were in power with President Park Keun-hye and President Lee  Myung-bak. They used the police, prosecutors, judges, Supreme Court, the Korean intelligence agency, military intelligence, and other government organizations to suppress, harass and imprison the progressive or liberal opposition. They even made up a couple of spy scandals and tried to frame innocent people of being spies for North Korea. All of the above have been proven in court and some of the instigators have gone to jail. Some cases are still being investigated.

Yet, the Liberal Korea Party has steadfast support from the majority of people over 60. They have an approval rating of around 25%. It used to be in the high 40s before President Park Keun-hye's scandal and impeachment, and then dropped to the mid-30s.

A couple of days ago on KBS, I watched news about legalization of medicinal marijuana in other countries. Although it stated marijuana was a dangerous and addictive drug, the news reported in detail about how other countries have legalized it. It was the first time, I saw a sort of objective report on pot on TV. We usually have extremely negative news of people being arrested for pot and other drugs, and painting drugs users as really really bad criminals.

Thinking about gravity, quantum entanglement, metaphysical dimensions of meaning, will, and such is much more peaceful than reflecting on the political situation in Korea.

Space/time, energy/mass. What about structure, meaning, logic, will, emotion, thought, etc.?

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Three Dimensions of Space?

Maybe we ought to differentiate between dimensions as used in measurement and Dimensions as used in space/time.

In reality, there can't be just x, y, and z dimensions in space, since space exists as space/time and other things, probably other kinds of Dimensions.

In many cases, nothing is as simple as one's mind or thoughts make it out to be.

Could mass/gravity be a Dimension also?

What about metaphysical dimensions? Probably a combination also. Data/logic?

What about life, meaning, logic, emotions?

Some more things to think about.

Nothing is just black and white. There are two sides to a coin and everything in between.

Meanings of words can change depending on the context and perspective. Communication through words is imperfect.

A person learns more by being close to a good leader (a person who sets the example) than through being lectured on how to be a good leader.

What one knows is much greater than what was learned. So learn a lot.

Will humans ever solve any of the world's problems? Not if they are cognitively dissonant. The cognitively dissonant rationalize illogical or unethical behavior, and subsequently act in unreasonable ways. Some very rich can afford to house homeless people, yet they refuse to do so for various reasons. Not ethical or logical.

Most everyone in the world could give a lot more to charity or good causes. Including me. Might have to increase my donations.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

No Ones Knows What Gravity Is?

That's what they tell me.

Washington Post: Everything you thought you knew about gravity is wrong.

Guess I am not the only one wondering about gravity. Force or Dimension? Both?

According to Einstein, mass bends space/time to cause gravity. It seems like a force to us, but is related to the dimension of space/time. Photons are both wave and particle, depending on the perspective. Maybe gravity is both a force and a dimension? Or just bent space/time?

According to equations in physics, gravity is a force.

Spend time thinking about God, gravity, quantum entanglement, or metaphysical dimensions.?

God is definitely not a being. Seems to be a dimension, force, or natural law, in my thoughts.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Good Reasons For Bad Things In Life

If one's life is entirely wonderful, one would feel more regret towards the early death of loved ones.

If life was really bad, then one would feel less bad about loved ones passing away before their time. Don't you think?

Another reason? If life is really bad or painful, then death becomes an acceptable option. An imperfect life makes death seem less scary than a perfect life.

One more? Severe chronic pain for two decades can make one short tempered, overeat, too tired to exercise, and not be thoughtful. It can also help one overcome these problems, be more aware, mindful and thoughtful about such things.

Everyone seems to be in a hurry. Never stop to see the wonders of life. Imagine the Planck scale, the size of a proton, atom, molecule, mountain, earth, solar system, galaxies, size of the universe, all the atoms in the universe, a googol.

That's what everything should seem like. A googol. Almost infinitely complex and mind boggling. Most everything should test one's mental facilities. Nothing is simple, but most people, in their rush to live life fully before they die and due to natural instincts, skim through the facts of life.

Is one free? Most would say yes. A few would say, it depends on the exact definition of  "one" and what you mean by free. Take time to "look" at all the wonders of the world, the metaphysical ones.

All that money, time, energy spent on eating out. I doubt humans were meant to eat processed foods, or sit down all day. Suppose eating out and unnecessary foods were frowned upon by society, discouraged, even banned. We could use the money saved to pay employees, or other people a basic living allowance, feed the poor, do other things. But no! Capitalism and freedom of choice seem to overrule ethics in today's society? Hopefully, present society will seem very barbaric in the future. Do we really need to eat that cake, or feed the poor? Feed the poor and then eat cake together? No, no more cake. Not good for you. Worse than pot.

Collective cognitive dissonance. Can the collective mind become free of cognitive dissonance?

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Is Gravity A Force or Dimension?

It is described as a force in equations, but it is related to space/time. So, it seems to be a dimension.

Is God a force or dimension?

Did you know that many religions say that God cannot be described in human terms and then try to explain God by assigning human characteristics, values and such to God.

God probably does not bless, "listen" or get angry. God cannot be described in detail, but if you take a more general perspective, you can make out the picture. Sort of like focusing a microscope. The magnification depends on what you want to see.

Something seems to inject thoughts/emotions/will into my consciousness occasionally daily or weekly. Maybe I have a clear consciousness?

Remember watching black and white TV, just ABC, NBC, and CBS.

Do you think that TV tried to show how people should behave in the 60s, 70s, and 80s? Remember lots of family shows. Brady Bunch, Cosby Family, the one with the guy housekeeper, The Jeffersons, All In The Family.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Greatest Equalizer Of Humans?

Cognitive Dissonance. The only way to avoid it is to try very earnestly to be truthful and good.

What happens when one has too many cognitive dissonances? Remember that most people have a conscience. Well, one tries to make up for the inconsistency with moral values by altering one's perception, and/or moral values. Simply put, one cannot think or behave logically in the area of their cognitive dissonances. So, one can do some things logically, but in other things, one is lost. Sort of crippled mentally and in behavior. This description seems to fit most people.

Time to try to spread the word, once more. No one seems to listen or understand.

Wonder why? Cognitive dissonance.

Wonder how God, conscience, and cognitive dissonance are connected? Me too.

Korea's President Moon vs Japan's Abe?

In a fight? Moon will win. He used to be in the Korean Army Special Forces, the Black Berets. Hikes in the Himalayas for pleasure. I would love to see them fight it out. Abe is much taller than Moon, so it won't be too lopsided.

Abe tries to act tough. Watch him in a speech. He tries to stir up anger and indignity. Lots of politicians try to stir up anger and negative feelings about other people. They seem to win elections, but that seems to be changing.

Moon Jae-in is from the same mold as former Korean president Roh Moo-hyun. You know the type. Really straight arrow, never attacks or says bad things about people, don't drink or smoke. Speaks with humility. Tries to set a good example, like a leader.

It's a shame that the conservative opposition party calls him a mouthpiece for North Korea's Kim Jong-il and attacks him and says very negative things about him and his wife. The guy is Special Forces. human rights lawyer, Mr. Do Good. I bet they would never say that to his face if just the two of them were alone in a room.

I'm really proud that he is president. What more could you want in a president, a leader?

I think mostly people who believe in a God notice people who never attack or say bad things about people. One is allowed to say facts, even if they are "bad" about people.

In the beginning, I didn't realize the need to do as such. I was just trying to follow what I thought God wanted. Just the basics. I don't go to church. Just try not to lie, not say negative things. So, I stay silent, most of the time. Write a lot. Try to not eat so richly. Try not to be too materialistic. Try to give to charity and such.

If everyone, middle class and over, and all businesses gave to charity and to fixing the world's problems, the world would be much happier, I think. Is there a really a need to buy expensive toys? There is a need to learn some self discipline somewhere. Logically, we should be satisfied with the just the basics and thank God, or whatever it is that rewards truly being good.

I seriously thought I was going to die when I had three surgeries for cancer over several years. So I traveled, met old friends, and prepared to die. Two decades ago. Still preparing to die. Trying to satisfy my curiosity about a God, or something, before I die. Know that it is impossible, but I want to know as much as possible. Don't you?

I know. Most people don't believe in a God because of resurrection, holy this and that, God created the universe, God punishes the bad, and such. A lot of people hang around the rich. They are mostly interested in money. A lot of people hang around God, they are interested in gaining your trust. But they are probably not good people.

Would God or something reward building huge expensive churches, or homeless shelters?

Just my two cents. I have nothing against religion or anyone, just stating facts as I see them.