Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Greatest Equalizer Of Humans?

Cognitive Dissonance. The only way to avoid it is to try very earnestly to be truthful and good.

What happens when one has too many cognitive dissonances? Remember that most people have a conscience. Well, one tries to make up for the inconsistency with moral values by altering one's perception, and/or moral values. Simply put, one cannot think or behave logically in the area of their cognitive dissonances. So, one can do some things logically, but in other things, one is lost. Sort of crippled mentally and in behavior. This description seems to fit most people.

Time to try to spread the word, once more. No one seems to listen or understand.

Wonder why? Cognitive dissonance.

Wonder how God, conscience, and cognitive dissonance are connected? Me too.