If one's life is entirely wonderful, one would feel more regret towards the early death of loved ones.
If life was really bad, then one would feel less bad about loved ones passing away before their time. Don't you think?
Another reason? If life is really bad or painful, then death becomes an acceptable option. An imperfect life makes death seem less scary than a perfect life.
One more? Severe chronic pain for two decades can make one short tempered, overeat, too tired to exercise, and not be thoughtful. It can also help one overcome these problems, be more aware, mindful and thoughtful about such things.
Everyone seems to be in a hurry. Never stop to see the wonders of life. Imagine the Planck scale, the size of a proton, atom, molecule, mountain, earth, solar system, galaxies, size of the universe, all the atoms in the universe, a googol.
That's what everything should seem like. A googol. Almost infinitely complex and mind boggling. Most everything should test one's mental facilities. Nothing is simple, but most people, in their rush to live life fully before they die and due to natural instincts, skim through the facts of life.
Is one free? Most would say yes. A few would say, it depends on the exact definition of "one" and what you mean by free. Take time to "look" at all the wonders of the world, the metaphysical ones.
All that money, time, energy spent on eating out. I doubt humans were meant to eat processed foods, or sit down all day. Suppose eating out and unnecessary foods were frowned upon by society, discouraged, even banned. We could use the money saved to pay employees, or other people a basic living allowance, feed the poor, do other things. But no! Capitalism and freedom of choice seem to overrule ethics in today's society? Hopefully, present society will seem very barbaric in the future. Do we really need to eat that cake, or feed the poor? Feed the poor and then eat cake together? No, no more cake. Not good for you. Worse than pot.
Collective cognitive dissonance. Can the collective mind become free of cognitive dissonance?