Sunday, July 21, 2019

Korea's President Moon vs Japan's Abe?

In a fight? Moon will win. He used to be in the Korean Army Special Forces, the Black Berets. Hikes in the Himalayas for pleasure. I would love to see them fight it out. Abe is much taller than Moon, so it won't be too lopsided.

Abe tries to act tough. Watch him in a speech. He tries to stir up anger and indignity. Lots of politicians try to stir up anger and negative feelings about other people. They seem to win elections, but that seems to be changing.

Moon Jae-in is from the same mold as former Korean president Roh Moo-hyun. You know the type. Really straight arrow, never attacks or says bad things about people, don't drink or smoke. Speaks with humility. Tries to set a good example, like a leader.

It's a shame that the conservative opposition party calls him a mouthpiece for North Korea's Kim Jong-il and attacks him and says very negative things about him and his wife. The guy is Special Forces. human rights lawyer, Mr. Do Good. I bet they would never say that to his face if just the two of them were alone in a room.

I'm really proud that he is president. What more could you want in a president, a leader?

I think mostly people who believe in a God notice people who never attack or say bad things about people. One is allowed to say facts, even if they are "bad" about people.

In the beginning, I didn't realize the need to do as such. I was just trying to follow what I thought God wanted. Just the basics. I don't go to church. Just try not to lie, not say negative things. So, I stay silent, most of the time. Write a lot. Try to not eat so richly. Try not to be too materialistic. Try to give to charity and such.

If everyone, middle class and over, and all businesses gave to charity and to fixing the world's problems, the world would be much happier, I think. Is there a really a need to buy expensive toys? There is a need to learn some self discipline somewhere. Logically, we should be satisfied with the just the basics and thank God, or whatever it is that rewards truly being good.

I seriously thought I was going to die when I had three surgeries for cancer over several years. So I traveled, met old friends, and prepared to die. Two decades ago. Still preparing to die. Trying to satisfy my curiosity about a God, or something, before I die. Know that it is impossible, but I want to know as much as possible. Don't you?

I know. Most people don't believe in a God because of resurrection, holy this and that, God created the universe, God punishes the bad, and such. A lot of people hang around the rich. They are mostly interested in money. A lot of people hang around God, they are interested in gaining your trust. But they are probably not good people.

Would God or something reward building huge expensive churches, or homeless shelters?

Just my two cents. I have nothing against religion or anyone, just stating facts as I see them.