Saturday, October 23, 2021

Einstein Probably Thought?

The speed of light is constant, and the speeds of objects with mass are relative?

Why was he thinking about this? Was it to solve a problem? The thought just popped into his head?

Probably to solve a problem in physics. But that's how he started working on the theory of relativity.

I wonder if when there is mass, there is space and time. Without mass, no space or time? 

But then where does light exist, if it doesn't experience time or space? In dimension(s) without space-time and as radiation in the world as we know it.

Also energy is related to mass.  

Maybe, there are dimensions that haven't been recognized as of yet, in addition to space-time, mass-energy?

Another question? 

energy+algorithms+atoms+feedback+billions of years + unseen dimensions = life?