Monday, October 11, 2021

Average Price of Seoul Apartments?

 Much higher than a couple of months ago.

The average price of an apartment in Seoul is now KRW 1.2bn, or slightly over USD 1m. Pay about USD 500 a year in property taxes and people wonder why real estate prices keep going up.

One good thing about being Korean. We have a very good health care system. Everyone pays into a national health insurance plan. It's very inexpensive, compared to the US and other Western nations.

On a much different note...

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that isolated systems will progress to a state with the most entropy, or disorder.

Only applies to physical phenomena, it seems. For metaphysical concepts, another theory seems to be needed.

Knowledge and technology seem to become more complex as time passes. The entity "human civilization" seems to be developing into something of a higher order. Debatable?