Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Took Out Insurance

The Blog and traveler's.
Maybe, I worry too much?
Too much of a perfectionist?

Just made seaweed soup with beef stock and rice for breakfast for my kid. Going on a school trip for a few days.

Then I have to clean up the house, do the dishes...

Check out the tree. Eerie!

Read "Older Brain Really May Be A Wiser Brain" article. Close. God.

What say you? Who is your representative, Earthling?

Okay. If I die waiting, let me know?

Finished dishes.

If I only looked like Logos, my Avatar. Belongs to the House of the SaCreD.

See a lot of angry scared people on TV. Should get to know God.

Vacation time. I may blog during vacation, but... CU

Have some fun! No negativity. Respect Nature. Much bigger than you.