All Ways In My Thoughts.
Thoughts are true.
Speech? Recorded speech? Written word? Want evidence? Start writing God. See where you go. See God.
Think. Imagine, believe and know. What an experience!
I like All Things Free. Why? God made it that way. I like plants.
The US can probably do what it wants. They just want to be fair. Be wary of Bubbas who Listen God and Think God. Probably by God. Blew his cover. Told people he knew God. So did Jackson. Barricades of Heaven! Talk like that and Earthlings will catch on. Used to be an exclusive neighborhood. MetaWorld. The one over the physical. Free admission to Angels.
The US is built on ideals. It is less people, more spirit.
Look at the Spirit. US. United Spirits. The Resonation.
Fled persecution to seek religious freedom and the lot. Remember?
And they ask how to see God? Ask God.
Live like Jesus. See, Jesus Lives. Everything is true.
I find thoughts/God through blogging and life. Live by God.
I know that more see the hate and anger in speech. Beware of those who speak hatred, anger, indignation, fear, blame. That's Real negative spirit. Too much negative spirit being spoken/written into the world.
Now, do you see God?
Primitive Radio Gods, help me.
Usually spend most life thinking of ways to make you see God.
When I close my eyes, I see light shows and can almost see myself in an online game. Running around with staff and wand, color vaporizing Angry Monsters, Greedy Demons, Lying Fiends...
Work? Raising semi-adult and one adult. Family of Humans. Clean and do housework. Make money (just once in a while).
Light My Fire. Ship Of Fools. The Doors. Listen to Da Music.
Love Potion Number Nine. Drifters.
MetaBody Me. I spend time with my eyes closed thinking, imagining, searching, playing. Watch TV. Read. Watch plants grow. Drink coffee milk.
Hole In The World. Love Will Keep US Alive. Eagles.
Jackson Bush. Rock and roll politician. MetaWorld. Let the Resonations begin! I forgot. It started.
No More Cloudy Days. Eagles.
Like "Burma".