Thursday, May 10, 2007

Seeing God

Is Easy. Talk to God directly. You are as close to God as any one. Just need to really realize it. What is right or wrong? Ask God yourself. Listen to God, through circumstances, through humans, through the media, through nature, through history. But believe only God.

Listen to God, listen to your conscience. Be good. You are part human. You and I have inherent faults. They are forgiveable, if you know in your heart that you are doing your best to be with God. Remember, it takes time. A life time.

You are going to die physically some day. You can feel scared or feel good. Be amazed at the number of people who choose to feel scared. You know God subconsciously and feel scared. Or you know God consciously and feel good. Or you go back and forth.

Love for God, seemingly comes and goes. Some times, it is strong. Some times, seemingly gone.