God, some one wrote some thing about the Book Of Life, so I looked it up. Now, this happened before, or how did they know that? You told them. More details, please.
Oh, it was symbolic. Why did you have me write names? It's symbolic. Means God is in each of us and that each of us is a part of God. What ever.
Five - Keep On Moving
The Eagles - Spirit In The Sky
Ever read about The Akashic Records? I see some thing similar. To each their own. If you are bad, then ultimately you can only write bad records. If you are good, then only good. You are writing your own record. If you write your record over here, then you can see what you are like over there.
People may have a hard time believing me/you when we say there is a God because they have yet to fully know that there is a God. They ask you why are there wars and plane crashes and natural disasters. Human. They kill themselves and blame it on God or the Devil.
Moses and the Burning Bush. Hmmm... I betcha Jesus was cool.
Edgar Cayce is worth reading about too.
Jim Morrison of The Doors was fairly well read. Apparently read The Golden Bough by Sir James George Frazer.
Superconscious? Could be shifting back and forth from conscious to unconscious. In order to do this, I think one has to get rid of self-centered physical desires and needs.