Saturday, October 23, 2021

Einstein Probably Thought?

The speed of light is constant, and the speeds of objects with mass are relative?

Why was he thinking about this? Was it to solve a problem? The thought just popped into his head?

Probably to solve a problem in physics. But that's how he started working on the theory of relativity.

I wonder if when there is mass, there is space and time. Without mass, no space or time? 

But then where does light exist, if it doesn't experience time or space? In dimension(s) without space-time and as radiation in the world as we know it.

Also energy is related to mass.  

Maybe, there are dimensions that haven't been recognized as of yet, in addition to space-time, mass-energy?

Another question? 

energy+algorithms+atoms+feedback+billions of years + unseen dimensions = life?


 The meaning of "dimension" is unclear. 

They say that there are three dimensions of space and one of time. 

Maybe, dimensions of space, should be called space sub-dimensions, or the like. 

Space and time are intertwined and so are mass and energy. 

What do you call space-time and mass-energy? The meaning of "dimension" is somewhat limited.

A wave of energy, or whatever, moving at the speed of light doesn't experience time, according to present physics. If it doesn't experience time, then it most likely doesn't experience space.

Space-time? Mass-energy? Information-Consciousness (knowledge)? 

Constructive-destructive? Seems like a subset of something.

Kinda feel that society is productive enough so there is enough for everyone, as long as no one hoards. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

People Won't Believe The Truth?


Seems to be happen in all countries. Korea and the US have a similar problem.

The conservatives are pushing misinformation, disinformation, and falsehoods. They have become cognitively dissonant and act irrationally. 

And they seem to draw the attention and trust of other cognitively dissonant people.

Arguing with cognitively dissonant people is not very productive. What to do?

Take time to enjoy life? What if enjoyment and satisfaction came from doing good (God or some other dimensional thing)?

Could it be that cognitively dissonant people are more angry and dissatisfied than cognitively consonant people? 

Why? Karma? God? A metaphysical dimension?

Cognitively dissonant people seem to be drawn to rhetoric espousing hatred and fear?

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Are Information and Consciousness Dimensions?

Would think so. 

Is thought plus will a force? Would think so. Thought and will can move physical objects.

If there is nothing, then no information. If there is a almost infinitely small point. Then space and information are created. If there are two infinitely small points, then there is more information in the system.

Information + Consciousness = Knowledge? 

Information + Algorithms + Consciousness = Knowledge? 

Information + Algorithms + (Energy?) = Consciousness? 

Consciousness = Life?

Monday, October 11, 2021

Average Price of Seoul Apartments?

 Much higher than a couple of months ago.

The average price of an apartment in Seoul is now KRW 1.2bn, or slightly over USD 1m. Pay about USD 500 a year in property taxes and people wonder why real estate prices keep going up.

One good thing about being Korean. We have a very good health care system. Everyone pays into a national health insurance plan. It's very inexpensive, compared to the US and other Western nations.

On a much different note...

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that isolated systems will progress to a state with the most entropy, or disorder.

Only applies to physical phenomena, it seems. For metaphysical concepts, another theory seems to be needed.

Knowledge and technology seem to become more complex as time passes. The entity "human civilization" seems to be developing into something of a higher order. Debatable? 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Average Price of Seoul Apartments?

Around 1,000,000,000 Korean Won or about 860,000 US Dollars.

Prices of apartments, or condominiums, in my neighborhood rose roughly fourfold in ten years, from what I recall.

Happened in a lot of cities around the world.

For homeowners, probably a good thing. For non-homeowners with low incomes? People should have the right to healthy food, health care and a clean residence at an affordable price that lets them save money for retirement and emergencies?

Some day?