Thursday, August 16, 2018

Dark Energy

If the universe is surrounded by emptiness, then the universe would have pressure and the surroundings would have no pressure. There is no need for dark energy for the universe to expand. It would expand due to pressure difference.

Add this to the pressure exerted by radiation/photons shooting out of the universe.

94% of Americans Approve Legalizing Medicinal Marijuana

Remember when most Americans were opposed to legalizing medicinal marijuana? It seems like only a decade ago.

Newsweek: Legal Weed: How Republicans Learned to Love Marijuana

Wake up, Korea. Stop with the "reefer madness" stuff.

Corona beer maker invests $4 billion into marijuana business.

Reuters: Corona owner invests another $4 billion in cannabis producer Canopy

Heineken also enters the marijuana beer business.


Only In Korea? I Think So.

Korea's National Assembly  used to receive "special operational" funds to the tune of 5-6 million dollars a year,  which they did not need to account for. Citizens groups sued to have details of how these funds were used made public. The Supreme Court ruled that the details be made public, but the National Assembly has only released some of the details. In many cases, the funds were used for personal purposes, such as children's tuition and vacations.

The National Assembly promised in the past to get rid of these special operational funds, but they again tried to break their promise. However, due to strong public opinion and potential backlash, they now promise to get rid of most of the special operational funds, except for the absolute minimum needed for operation. In addition, they promised that details of use and receipts would be made public.

Yonhap: National Assembly scraps special activity funds amid criticism

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Korean Media Blames Minimum Wage Increase For Drop In Employment

Drop in employment has been a global phenomenon for several years and is due to automation and other technological advances. Yet, most Korean media continue to blame labor unions and wage increases. They do not mention that the conglomerates have decreased recruitment of employees despite increased turnover and profit.

When they reduced corporate tax about a decade ago, they argued that businesses would reinvest their profits and increase employment. The conglomerates did not neither. In fact, they reduced employment and investment. They promised many times to increase employment and investment, but did not. They are promising again to invest hundreds of billions of dollars and increase employment, but I seriously doubt they will keep their promises. 

Another critical article typical of Korean media blaming increased minimum wage and critical of the Moon administration. Most Korean media do not seem to want a progressive government to win in the next National Assembly and Presidential elections. The conservative party's popularity is at an all time low, yet they have yet to mention this in the news. Most media spend all their time criticizing the Moon administration and anyone progressive or liberal. At the same time, they give a lot of air time and attention to conservative views. 

Korea is still run by the conglomerates and the wealthy, at the expense of the people. 

A more objective article explaining some of the reasons for the loss of jobs.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Study Finds Marijuana Decreases Workplace Fatalities By 33.7%

Science Direct: Medical marijuana laws and workplace fatalities in the United States

They say that this could be due to reduction in consumption of alcohol, opiates and other substances.

In Korea, someone gets stoned and it is big news, definitely a crime worth jail time. At the same time, being drunk and beating up people is so common that it does not make even it into the news. In fact, judges give reduced sentences in cases where the person was drunk, stating that their mental capacities were diminished. WTF?

The media is definitely against marijuana and very pro-alcohol. Most young people are not. Old ones are too far brainwashed. Drinking and smoking cigarettes still appear to be national pastimes.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Small Business Owners Protest Increasing Minimum Wage

A small group of small business owners protested the increase in minimum wage to a little under $8 per hour. They say restaurants and other small business cannot afford the increase and will let employees go.

Conglomerates, the conglomerate owners' family, relations, and franchises all have restaurants, retail outlets, and other businesses that compete with "small business owners". This is the main reason for the plight of "small businesses", not wage increases. Also the number of employees employed by the conglomerate, wealthy and franchise related companies probably greatly outnumber the number of employees of actual "small business owners". Reducing minimum wage will benefit the conglomerate and franchise affiliated companies much more than actual "small business owners". Why increase wealth disparity?

I also know many small business owners that are very wealthy, multimillionaires. In some districts, main shopping areas, and rich neighborhoods, almost all of the small business owners are millionaires. There is an old lady in my neighborhood who runs a small very run down beauty salon on her own with no employees. Outwardly, she seems to be poor, but actually she owns the most real estate in my neighborhood. She owns several buildings.

The media portrays most small business owners as poor mom and pop stores, just barely eking out a living. That is definitely not the case. For many, business is not great, but they have already accumulated so much wealth that it doesn't matter that much.

No mention of this in Korean media. They only concentrate on giving negative associations to progressive or liberal policies trying to prevent conglomerates and the wealthy from rapidly increasing their power and wealth, at the expense of small businesses and normal Korean citizens.

Musical enjoyment seems to be God given. There is justice in the world!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Korean conglomerates promise investment and jobs

Korean conglomerates announced that they "plan" to invest $400 billion and create jobs.

I heard these promises many times before for over a decade, but they were mostly not kept. Most Korean media report on the promises, but not when the promises are broken. Why?

Let's see what happens.

Chosun Ilbo: Samsung Promises Massive Investment and Job Creation

Former President Myungbak Lee made a campaign promise to donate all his money to charity. He set up a foundation where his close associates were and are employed. Many went to jail. This foundation does not have to publish where and if they used any money for charity. The foundation has not offered any proof, so far, that any money was spent on charity. Yet, there is no mention in the media about this. If it were a progressive or liberal president that made the promise and set up a foundation instead, then all hell would break loose.

The best way to increase jobs is to legalize pot and keep the conglomerates out. Korea should break away from relying on business conglomerates which only care about profit.