Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Korean conglomerates promise investment and jobs

Korean conglomerates announced that they "plan" to invest $400 billion and create jobs.

I heard these promises many times before for over a decade, but they were mostly not kept. Most Korean media report on the promises, but not when the promises are broken. Why?

Let's see what happens.

Chosun Ilbo: Samsung Promises Massive Investment and Job Creation

Former President Myungbak Lee made a campaign promise to donate all his money to charity. He set up a foundation where his close associates were and are employed. Many went to jail. This foundation does not have to publish where and if they used any money for charity. The foundation has not offered any proof, so far, that any money was spent on charity. Yet, there is no mention in the media about this. If it were a progressive or liberal president that made the promise and set up a foundation instead, then all hell would break loose.

The best way to increase jobs is to legalize pot and keep the conglomerates out. Korea should break away from relying on business conglomerates which only care about profit.