Koreans are appalled at all the lying being done by President Park and her associates. Some of the lying is to avoid jail and delay the court process, but most seem to be post truths trying to rally her supporters.
Post truths are opinions that are aimed at emotion (which is the main factor in decision making), even though they may be false or untrue.
The Saenuri Party has done this for decades. Trump did it. To these people, if lying is beneficial to them, they will lie.
I hope the everyone reads up on post truths and how emotions influence voter decisions more than facts.
Wikipedia: Post-truth politics
The Guardian: Broadcast news is losing its balance in the post-truth era
President Park's post truths are detailed in this next article;
Joongang Daily News: Some serious self-deception
By stating that North Korea was behind the candlelight demonstrations and other lies, President Park is trying to stir up the fear of North Korea and communism. This works well with Koreans in their 60s and above who lived through the Korean War and military dictator Park's propoganda. That is why President Park's approval rating has risen to 10%. Remember the days of dictatorship? Time and Newsweek with sections blacked out. Long hair was illegal as were mini-skirts. People were framed as spies. Curfew. Martial law. Torture. The good ole days.
There are even TV commentators raging about the opposition trying to stir up indignation and other emotions. Nowadays, they are lying low, but elections are coming up and they will be out in full force. I used to get very frustrated watching all this and knowing, but now, it is starting to get interesting.
The following is a very informative article on President Park and corruption in Korea.
New York Times: As Scandal Roils South Korea, Fingers Point to Mixing of Politics and Business