Matter = Energy = Life = Thought = Knowledge ?
Is there more? Hmm... Structure, data, or logic could fall under knowledge.
What about time or change? Good question. Maybe time or change is the backdrop or medium against which the knowledge-matter universe is played out?
If time is forwards for matter and backwards for anti-matter, why is that? Do anti-matter and matter repel each other? Or do they just fall away down different slopes due to some force? Or is it like nothing or empty space, just a figment of the imagination? That sounds good. Just as there is no such thing as empty space, there can be no universe without time. Maybe with anti-matter going in a negative direction and matter in a positive direction?
For the uninformed, empty space and nothing are abstract concepts. You cannot make empty space or nothing. As soon as you make it, it is something.
Why do matter and anti-matter give off energy when they combine? Seems like they should just disappear. Could be something like ripples. If an opposite explosion happened in the anti-matter world, then it would cancel out to zero.
Physicists theorize that everything in the physical world emerges from vibrations. Do thoughts emerge from vibrations? Does knowledge emerge from vibrations? Knowledge emerges from assumptions made on experience. Albeit, experiences based on the "real" world which could be comprised of strings or vibrations. Where do thoughts emerge from? If they were only for survival in the beginning, why evolve so far past the point of just survival, in such a short time?
Thoughts - Possible to have many simultaneously, conscious and unconscious. Are emotions thoughts? Is determination a thought or emotion? Gimme some time on this. Remember thinking about this before. Thought generated by the body and environment vs. other thoughts (curiousness, conscience, boredom, God, etc.).
Consciousness - Maybe we run a subroutine of conscious and unconscious thoughts. We are conscious of the last part of the subroutine where we pause to add and delete parts of the routine. The subroutine is really fast and we just think we have many thoughts at once. And like in a movie with frames, these frames create the illusion of consciousness. Seems unlikely, but who knows. Can't make a computer do this yet, but the computer doesn't have mirror neurons and not as complicated as the human brain and organs.
Anyways, energy drives life, but what drives intelligence? What made emotions evolve? What drives the quest for knowledge and good?
Back to the real world -
If Korea were run like Startrek, then Dr. McCoy would have ordered a psychiatric exam and had Captain Kirk locked up in an asylum. Seriously, she could be a danger to herself.