Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Does God Belong To Religions?

Does God practice a religion? Do religions own God? Same answer?

Oneness of God. The Force, Karma, Good, Order. All the same God.

Sitting Here In Limbo - Jimmy Cliff
Stuck In The Middle With You - Stealers Wheel
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot - Johnny Cash, UB40

Who started all these myths? There is nothing after death? The universe has a beginning and an end? Intelligence comes from nothing/nowhere? The real world consists only of the physical world? God sends people to hell?

The myth that God only talks to certain people? God talks to everyone. Just listen. When one can listen to God, why listen to humans? Just remember one has to be good to hear and wonder.
Wonder, then see. Eventually, see parts of God.
Speaking tongues? I can see it.