Thursday, June 30, 2022

When One Is Really Old?

Should be very grateful and happy just to be alive.

Also applies to the young!

Some other thoughts.

What are the only real threats to wealthy people? Government, regulation, taxes and inflation.

Watch and read what the media puts out. And wonder why.

So, there will be constant propaganda on most media, especially economic or financially oriented ones, imparting the impression that smaller government, lower taxes and deregulation, which are good in some aspects and situations, but not in general.

Conservative media propaganda vs poor people's opinions. Wonder how this progresses? Education wins. Why? In general, human intelligence seeks knowledge. Why? Could be something behind it. 

Conservatives will scheme to provide privileged education only to certain classes of people? Private schools, cramming schools, tutors, expensive tuitions for top colleges, etc. 

If the world applied the same trade laws that China applies to other countries and foreigners to China, would China still be poor? But...

Most developing countries, Korea included, prohibited imports in order to promote local industries. If they didn't, locals would buy higher quality imports, many American, at usually lower prices. Samsung sold TVs in Korea at higher prices than abroad in the 1980s, if anyone remembers the related anti-dumping cases. They could sell TVs at higher prices in Korea due to the very high import taxes imposed on TVs, at the time. The laws were changed to allow average Koreans to travel abroad around that time, after the authoritarian leader of Korea was assassinated by the intelligence agency head, if memories are correct.

We only started playing mostly fair on trade a few decades ago. China seems to feel that it still has a long way to go, and that many parts of the world that do not belong to China, at present, belongs to China.

Russia and China? Like Germany and Japan in World War II. Same territorial aspirations. But if only two are left, who will take over? 

Welcome to WW III. Slightly less blood thirsty but a war, nonetheless.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Some Thoughts Are Reflected In Sociey

Or some thoughts reverberate through society?

New York Times: Gun sellers stoke fears to boost sales

At least, the problem is starting to be recognized.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Shows On Cable?

Discovery Channel and the like are showing programs about a gun dealer (Gunfather), hunting, and weapons. Seems like gun manufacturers and the NRA paid to produce those programs. They apparently do not know that Asian countries have very strict laws on weapon ownership.

Some less developed countries have lax laws or lawless regions, but they normally buy really cheap locally made weapons. In some regions, lots of people are armed. Usually no mass murders (excluding suicide bombers), just family feuds and such. Where? Areas in Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. Might have changed since I visited.

A sports channel is showing reruns of PSG football. Probably free footage from PSG.

And most other channels are full of shows promoting cooking, eating out, and other food shows.

Full of programs paid for by companies trying to promote their products or consumer spending.

Avoid Korean news due to biased reporting. 

All media seems to want is to control human behavior.

Only left with CNN, other American news channels and sports channels.

Almost all Koreans watch Tottenham Hotspur's Son Heung-min.

Financial news is pretty safe. I know what financial news is BS and what is relevant.

Rooting for stocks to fall even more. Closed out my positions last week.

The US borrowed billions of dollars during the coronavirus pandemic and incurs a huge trade deficit every year. With every increase in the prime rate, the dollar becomes stronger, which makes it cheaper to repay the debt with inflated dollars and makes imports relatively cheaper due to a stronger dollar.

A lot of stores and companies are raising prices by 20% or more on old stock, which shouldn't have been affected by the recent rise in prices. Imagine many more will follow suit.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Proof That Life Is An Entity, Or Some Thing?

To fight diseases, the body sends antibodies, which can either be destructive or constructive depending on perspective and other things. 

Intelligence, which seems to be related to truth, should survive? In theory, or by coincidence?

Deadly things like cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption could be like antibodies against dissonance? Used to drink and smoke cigarettes, but had a more self-centered and self-indulgent consciousness then. 

Most effective antibody against cognitive dissonance is confused thinking, from the perspective of a collective consciousness. 

Very intelligent conservative and powerful people are taking advantage of cognitively dissonant people by spreading false news and sleights of words to impart negative feelings toward something or someone, usually someone, and winning elections. Why is that? Is it ethical?

Like early TV programs in the US, all those black and white TV programs were about the 'ideal' family or 'ideal' life as interpreted by a few broadcasters and advertisers. Brainwashing people then and still today.

Saw some old acquaintances at a reunion, most are drinkers. Alcohol is definitely bad for brain cells and clear thinking, from personal observation over the decades. Does it seem that a majority of conservatives drink alcohol? 

Are drunk presidents as bad as or more dangerous than drunk drivers?

Used to regret getting angry at the cognitively dissonant (extremely aggressive, bullying, etc.), but a good overall perspective might be needed. It is good to regret getting angry at cognitively consonant people.

Sort of impossible not to explode at some things that happen. Might as well drive the perpetrator even more crazy, for a while...

No bad or good people? Just happy and miserable people?

Thursday, June 9, 2022

World Makes Sense?

The world makes sense when viewed from a certain perspective. 

Or is it, the world makes sense when thoughts are based on true assumptions? 

Life is part of the consciousness that is waking up and exploring the universe?

Then, when the body dies, the personality, memories and stuff are gone. But the consciousness, or collective consciousness, is still here in life and has evolved that much further. So, the personal part is gone, but the essence is still there?

Somehow very comforting thought?

People over the ages had similar thoughts? Gaia, comes to mind.

Look into the consciousness? What a trip... The darkness can be death defying and very thrilling.

Trump's legacy to leaders of nations? Lie like there's no tomorrow or God and get away with it. A majority, it seems, is following his lead. Imagine what kind of thoughts they have all day. Crazy world.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

CNN Article Distorting Public Opinion On Former Korean President Moon?

An article on CNN - South Korean and US fighter jets in show of force to Kim Jong Un amid fears over North Korean nuclear test - states "Yoon has consistently emphasized his desire to strengthen the South's military -- a departure from predecessor Moon Jae-in, who had promoted dialogue and peaceful reconciliation."

The article implies that Moon had no desire to strengthen Korea's military, which is ridiculous. 

Conservative Korean media relies on this type of subliminal messaging, but an article in CNN? Unintended?

Remember other CNN articles on Korea with issues. 

If this latest apparent mistake in editing is corrected, this post will be deleted.

Wanted to complain directly to CNN or the writers, but couldn't.

Writing was helpful in business. Maintained extensive 'to do lists' and such. Too long to do just from memory. 

Writing helps to organize, remember, and refine thoughts. Also enables recognition of the physical self and metaphysical self. hehe