Friday, May 26, 2017

Seems Like Korean Media Is Always Worried About Companies

President Moon ordered a review of the Four Rivers Water Works Projects that were carried out during the Lee Myung-bak administration, where construction companies (Samsung, SK, Hyundai, and other business conglomerates) colluded in bids to fix prices and were convicted. They were banned from participating in future public projects, but were pardoned by the Park Keun-hye administration. Tens or hundreds of billions of dollars wasted in shoddy and questionable projects. A lot of Koreans want this investigated again. President Moon ordered a review and if there is any evidence of illegalities, then they will be investigated.

Korean media's spin? Construction companies are facing a hard time due to the economy and these investigations could hurt them. They usually add that this would be disastrous for the economy, but this was left out this time.

President Moon ordered a stop to construction of coal fired electrical generation plants. Korea media's spin? You got it! Most of the major construction companies depend on construction of these plants and if construction is stopped, most of them would lose money.

Anyway, you get the idea. I know these types of articles are normal, but when most of the media puts out lots of articles with similar spin, that is abnormal.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Korean Media vs American Media

President Trump pushed for job creation, and the media discussed the topic.

President Moon pushed for job creation, and some of the Korean media report on business fearing repercussions from this type of policy.

There are a few favorable articles, like this one.

Korea Herald: Policy advisory panel calls for greater competition to create more jobs

However, most are somewhat negative in tone, asking if it will be possible to create jobs that way and encouraging negative feelings. Most of these articles are in Korean like the ones below.

Asia Times: 새 정부의 ‘비정규직 제로’ 정책… 증권업계도 가능할까
Sisa Journal: 유통업계 꺼내든 일자리 카드…‘질(質)’도 좋을까

The majority of Koreans seem to believe the media. However, growing numbers are becoming very skeptical.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Cary Grant Used LSD 100 Times For Therapy

He used it when it was legal in the early sixties. He visited Dr Mortimer Hartman at the Psychiatric Institute of Beverly Hills weekly for therapy because he was having a difficult time adjusting to fame. Cary Grant said that LSD cured him and helped him find his goal. Now, there is a movie out about this.

Guardian: Cary Grant: how 100 acid trips in Tinseltown 'changed my life' 

Vermont Gov To Veto Recreational Marijuana

Sign of the times.

Vermont would have become the ninth state to legalize recreational marijuana. And would have been the the first to legalize it through legislation rather than public voting. 

NBC News: Vermont Governor Plans to Veto Bill That Would Legalize Marijuana


Used to be a crime in Korea. Several years ago, the courts ruled that it was not a crime, and was a moral issue, if I remember correctly.

While cheating is sort of different from adultery, gives me an excuse to introduce -

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Good Words For Former President Noh Moo-yun

Yesterday, President Moon Jae-in attended held memorial services for former Korean President Noh Moo-hyun. They sang songs the public wanted to sing and said good things about the former president.

Call me paranoid, but it almost seemed as if there were organized campaigns to smear former President Noh Moo-hyun almost a decade now.

Yesterday was the first day former President Park Keun-hye attended her court trial.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

You Are Illegal!

Did you know that?

In 1990, Miles Herkenham of the National Institute of Mental Health, discovered that the human body had its own internal cannabinoid receptor system. The human body produces cannabinoids, like THC.

If THC is illegal, then cannabinoids could also be illegal because they do what THC does. They have the same effects.

29 US states have legal medical marijuana, several countries have legal recreational marijuana, must be thousands of patents being registered, billions of dollars being taxed and still not even one pro-marijuana article in Korea.

Corporations push sugar, trans fat, salt, preservatives, chemicals, and other things that people do not need, like cars, automatic weapons. These really kill and make people sick.

The following quote from Dr. Sanjay Gupta is from an article in Cannabis Now - Cannabis: It’s Getting Better All the Time on how much times have changed since the old days when people were locked up for marijuana.

“We have been terribly and systematically misled for nearly 70 years in the United States, and I apologize for my own role in that.” - Dr. Sanjay Gupta