Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Epilogue (Hopefully)

I talked to the wife about God again. She sent me to the psychiatrist again. I finished my extensive psychiatric tests today, but I will get the official prognosis in two weeks. But the doctors looked very puzzled as to my reason for coming in. My wife insisted. Doctors said they thought I was fine. I tried to draw them into a conversation on the collective unconscious, but they definitely didn't want to talk about that. Impressed with my belief in God.

I had hoped, in part, that I was insane. But in most part, I hoped I was sane.

Jackson's song "Lives in Balance" was written so long ago, it seems. Yet, the lyrics are so right. Amazing. I know he knows what I know. And Kurt, I agree that we were put here on Earth to help each other and to evolve. And CNN, you compelled me to write this. I was going to disappear, but I guess I could do some good by continuing this blog once in a while.

I contacted a lot of governments, the Vatican, Arab newspapers, various organizations, etc. I guess I could contact some more, but would they even look at my blog (now that it's so long).

Oh, well. I figure I need to persuade about 3 billion more people to be good more often. I was told this might take well over 5 more years. Glad I'm medically certified sane. Only costs a little over $300, but I think it's well worth it.

Friday, February 16, 2007


99 Names of God. 100th name is "metaspace". Nothing. That is why it is not written.

Sure makes sense to me. Why can't people see?

Cut off? I found this in Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahdi

"He will disappear from the public sight and in confusing conditions. Certain people will deviate and others find the path of guidance." al-Asbagh then asked, "O Amir al-Mu’minin (commander of the faithful), how long will the duration of confusion and the disappearance be?" Imam Ali replied, "Six days or six months or six years." al-Asbagh then asked: "Will this really come to pass?" Imam Ali replied: "Yes, just as his (Al-Mahdi's) creation will be necessary (so will his disappearance be necessary). "

Again, like I said. Almost all religions agree with what I know. Pretty strange. Pretty neat. Or ,whatever your perspective is.

Cut off? Cut off from the general public. Through cyberspace. Oh, I see. And I was worried about dying. Events are really becoming wierd/good. Might still go crazy, but I really doubt it. Glad I have the power of good to "keep my head in place". Could be a correct interpretation. Will know for certain, if it starts resonating.

Again, like I said. You can know all this by being and doing good. Come on over. You are welcome for all time.

Everyone Was More Aware

The Maya, Zapotec, Mixtec, and Aztec religions all had a concept of a vital force that separated living from nonliving matter (Marcus 1994:343).

Cut Off?

Wouldn't want to be cut off from God. No.

A Mayan statue has one leg, is smoking and has a mirror on its head. Sounds like some one I know. Except he has two legs. One was almost paralyzed. I'm beginning to believe in cycles. I always did, but I tend to repeat myself. For some reason.

Did you know that the number 10 in Chinese characters is a cross? Doesn't mean anything to me yet. May never will. But I like to wonder about stuff. It's been a while since I've visited this area.

I'm listening to "No More Cloudy Days" by The Eagles. Also, did you notice some of my sentences resonate? Pretty neat, if you can see.

It's been a while since I noticed I exist not just in your world. I have this world. Sort of lonely though. Wish you were here. No, not by Pink Floyd. When you come here, you will know everything I know. I told you how to get here. Don't forget to tell others in a nonchalant manner. If they are good, then they will read the blog... And hurry up! I want to earn my wings and fly.

Elton, come on in. What's all this about Candles and the Wind? Oh, in the Wind? Oh, Candle. Just messin' with ya.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Who Are These Guys?


How did they know? But they left out the God part. Almost all original thinkers include God. I remember now. They were the asteroid people. And I tried my best to keep from thinking about asteroids. Oh, well. May be good news.


I want to take down my posts. So, I probably will. If any one wants, please feel free to copy, distribute, etc. I will eventually take them down. Maybe. Can't. Was told I may go to "hell". Feel free anway.

Remember to always remember there is a God, even if you become a God in your own mind. I guess it is going to take an eternity. As always.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


I wonder if the halo is a symbol for a good thought circle. Almost certain. Just know it. Angels are/were real. You have to take the halo and wings symbolically. I'll try to leave some knowledge for others to "discover", but I can't wait forever.

Some of you lucky ones will find circumstances changing remarkably. Suddenly, no one's bumping into you, cutting you off the road, etc. It isn't by chance. It could be God smiling on you. Definitely God, if you smile a lot.

God doesn't talk to you though. Likes to play with your mind and circumstances. So remember, smile is "you're welcome from God". For what? Remember you thanked God by doing good.

Be nice to people. Some really don't know. Be a bummer. Yes, I spend most of the day being a little human. Then in the evenings or when I'm alone with my eyes closed, I let my mind go and let God play with it. Or is it, I play with God.

I wish time would pass more quickly. Maybe not.

How do you go from a circle to a google? It vibrates all around and in and out and so on. I think. Oops! I found out another thing. I gotta stop thinking.