In spite of ALL the extremely FAVORABLE publicity from almost ALL Korean MEDIA, Yoon's approval is dropping. Could go down to around 30%, with support from only hardcore conservatives.
The former prosecutor is obviously trying to smear political opponents with allegations of crimes, as he has done repeatedly throughout his career.
The previous conservative administrations committed crimes and the public wanted investigations. Yoon led the prosecution to convict former President Park Keun-hye and Lee Myung-bak, not the Moon administration.
Yoon locked up many people for falsifying resumes but not his wife, for some reason. It's okay for her to do that, but others get lock up for years?
Imagine if Musk said the same things about a potential bid for Facebook as he did for Twitter.
Musk stated "I also want to make Twitter (Facebook) better than ever by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans."
Make Facebook algorithms open source? About a good a chance as making Google's or Youtube's algorithms open source, probably.
Magic tricks again. Trying to deflect attention from the real problem and gain time before the inevitable.
Countries with really strict gun control laws (South Korea, Japan) have almost no deaths and suicides involving guns.
Very little restrictions on guns = dead people
US conservative politicians obviously value money from lobbyists and freedom to carry guns in public more than lives.
Very simple. If South Korea had gun laws and a gun industry like the US, it would have similar gun violence, assuredly.
In the beginning, there were no laws on guns as they were new. Then as deaths from gun violence mounted, laws restricting use and ownership were enacted. Notice the trend over the past centuries.
Some people are going against the flow. Morally decrepit or cognitively dissonant, maybe?
'Historically, the formation of an administration or a presidential transition committee has led to newspaper front pages being plastered with articles about new policies. I can’t remember seeing those sorts of articles when the Yoon administration’s transition committee was at work.'
Other people also notice that Yoon is just pretending to be governing, while doing something else.
Headlines changed from retaliation to creation. Probably found out that Korea does not have operational control of military forces in case of North Korean provocations.
The media said yesterday that Yoon was meeting to ask the military to strongly retaliate against North Korean provocations (something that Korea already does, in consultation with the head of the Combined ROK/US Forces and United Nations Command).
Now they are going to start planning for a 'strategic command'? South Korea has been planning to regain operational control of its own military forces in case of North Korean provocations for years. So, Korea has been planning to create some system or command for this already.
At least, Yoon probably learned something from the meeting. Doesn't he receive briefings or anything? Seems very uninformed and has meetings with no concrete objectives, it seems. As if he is pretending to be governing, it appears. Resembles former President Park's actions.
Yoon also ordered construction resume on nuclear plants in Korea. Probably needed, but there should have been some discussion beforehand. Just to inform the public on the pros and cons.
Pros - less dependence on oil, etc. for electricity.
Cons - Disposal and storage of nuclear waste from previous reactors is unresolved. Less productive than investments in renewable energy. Cancellation of investment plans for renewable energy.
No discussion. Just pushes ahead with whatever seems popular with the conservatives.
Bull. The US has operational control in case of North Korean provocations. Thank Goodness!
Maybe, Yoon meant non-military retaliation? Could be.
The Korean president can say things, but the US commander in charge of the ROK/US Combined Forces Command has operational control in such situations. Currently, US General Paul LaCamera is in charge. He is also in charge of the United Nations Command.
Fairly ridiculous for a president to try to impress the public with empty words and promises. A lot of older Koreans should know what I know.
President's Moon and Noh pushed to take back control of Korea's defense despite opposition from the conservative party to which Yoon belongs. As a result of years of careful negotiations, Korea was slated to take back control about now, but this has been delayed for a few more years, maybe another decade.
None of the media points out this fact. What BS! Taking everybody for fools. So many people believe what they read in the news and watch on TV. Not very conscious of what is happening around them. Probably too self-centered to notice.
Watched this happen seemingly every day for several decades, even during dictator Park's time. Media fooling the public and the public doesn't catch on. Unbelievable! Why? Hmmm....
Korea is already on China's blacklist due to former President Park Keun-hye's decision to allow US THAAD defense systems to be installed in Korea. Chinese tourist agencies cannot offer tours to Korea. South Korean conglomerate Lotte Group was, in effect, kicked out of China suffering billions of dollars in losses. And more...
With Yoon's stance on China and North Korea, trade with China will worsen. Korean cosmetics used to be really popular in China. Not anymore. Former President Moon took a more diplomatic approach and restored relations somewhat.
Only China can control North Korea. If China withdraws its economic support, North Korea would be hard pressed to give up nuclear weapons and stockpile. That is the only thing standing in the way.
Fight against Russia and China, that's good. But everyone knows South Korea and the US are close allies. Why advertise it and rub it in? For politics? Geez.