Bull. Most gun violence is committed by sane people, as per Washington Post article The staggering scope of U.S. gun deaths goes far beyond mass shootings.
Magic tricks again. Trying to deflect attention from the real problem and gain time before the inevitable.
Countries with really strict gun control laws (South Korea, Japan) have almost no deaths and suicides involving guns.
Very little restrictions on guns = dead people
US conservative politicians obviously value money from lobbyists and freedom to carry guns in public more than lives.
Very simple. If South Korea had gun laws and a gun industry like the US, it would have similar gun violence, assuredly.
In the beginning, there were no laws on guns as they were new. Then as deaths from gun violence mounted, laws restricting use and ownership were enacted. Notice the trend over the past centuries.
Some people are going against the flow. Morally decrepit or cognitively dissonant, maybe?