Saturday, December 18, 2021

Strike 1 for Big Bang Theory

If the Big Bang and Inflation theory is correct, light in the cosmic microwave background should be polarized in two ways: B-modes, which are swirly patterns, and E-modes, which are more of a straight-line pattern. They could only find E-modes.

Scientists say the detection instruments might need to be more sensitive to find the B-modes, but I count this as a strike. 

CNN: The problem with the Big Bang theory

Friday, December 17, 2021

Pot Can Cure Autism and Epilepsy in Children?

According to CNN's Gupta, in some tests that were conducted, absolutely yes. This could be a game changer. Medical studies proving the effectiveness of pot for certain illnesses where other medications have serious side effects.

I could be a little autistic. Definitely not sociable. Pot should be legalized in Korea. I might be in need of medication for my illness.

Read that Germany and many other countries are legalizing recreational weed. Thailand allows medicinal marijuana. Canada, Georgia, Malta, Mexico, South Africa, Uruguay, part of the US and Australia have legalized cannabis. Portugal has decriminalized drugs for decades, I think.

A lot of progress over the last decade. Wonder if it will accelerate? Corporations, equity funds, and other entities seeking profits are involved in the cannabis business now. So much wealth has been accumulated by the wealthy, if society had progressed at the same pace, the world would have been a much better place.

Property, equity, intellectual property rights. The system has to change, but won't? Are all people created equal? Definitely not. Some are wealthy at birth, some are orphans at birth.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Evolutionary Path to Cognition

How cognition in cells could evolve into higher order cognition in animals explained in Scientific American - New Clues about the Origins of Biological Intelligence.

Still a little dubious about how it could lead to self-awareness and a self-learning collective consciousness of cells and such.

Deep reflection on major concepts (death, life, beginning, end, good, bad) seems to inevitably lead to questions on consciousness. 

What about a collective conscious of living things (bacteria, plants, animals, cells)?  What about viruses and inanimate objects? I read that viruses are more inanimate than "alive". Anyway, I am leaning towards a collective conscious of "live" things. What drives this life? Probably a "field", "energy", or "dimension".

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Being More Conscious?

Some are more "conscious" than others, naturally. What is being more "conscious"? 

More awareness of words, meanings, concepts, environment, smells, taste, rhythms, etc. 

More intelligence? I was taught that everyone is equal. Some things that I was taught have turned out to be wrong...

Many seem to be limited in their awareness, or consciousness. Too centered on enjoyment, envying wealth and power, avoiding certain thoughts (death, meaning of life, pain, mistakes, sins, ethics)...?

Meditation? If you fall into deep thought, I believe that is meditation. Really easy and natural.

Only about a third of the world population seem to be "enlightened", while another third seem to be cognitively dissonant (illogical) and the remaining third somewhere in between.

Problem is that during elections, misinformation from the cognitively dissonant is prevalent in the media due to several factors. 

Welcome to my world. Three months away from Korean presidential elections. Conservative candidate (former prosecutor who praised former dictator Chun Doo-hwan stating that apart from the Gwangju massacre, he did many good things) is way in the lead in some polls, believe it or not.

Gallup has the race neck and neck between the conservative party candidate and the ruling party candidate. Many Korean polls have the conservative party candidate leading by a wide margin. They say it's due to different methods used in polling. They are a mixture of land lines, regular mobile phones, base rate mobile phones, ARS.

Housing prices have stabilized over the past week in Korea. Increasing property taxes has been the solution to rising prices for the past half century, but the rich had blocked all property tax increase proposals since they had the majority in the National Assembly. 

The ruling Democratic party obtained a majority in the last parliamentary elections and passed the increases. 

According to polls, over half of Koreans are against the tax increases. Most of them believe that they hear on the mostly conservative news media, and in the angry outbursts of the rich.

I know a lot of people with more than two homes. One for living and the others to make money. People with more than two homes all hate the ruling Democratic party and it seems to be affecting the people who like to hang around rich people. 

From my observation, many of the Korean rich seem to be Scrooges and have an aversion to paying any tax.

Property taxes are still VERY low in Korea, as long as you only own one that is worth less than a million dollars. If you own more than one, then the property taxes are similar to what one would pay in the US, I think. Maybe a little more, if you have several really expensive apartments or houses. 

Many news announcers on TV have more than two homes. LOL!!! 

Korea is still trying to implement a five day, 40-hour work week. Things take time, I guess.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

No Dark Energy Needed

Scientists have made extensive new measurements and found out that there is no dark energy.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Property Taxes Increases Hit Rich Korean Multiple Residence Owners

In order to combat rising prices of residences in Korea, the Moon administration and ruling party raised property taxes and the base rate that properties are appraised for tax purposes, gradually. 

This is the second year of the gradual property tax increases. The rich people and companies owning two or more residences, or one multi million dollar residence, were warned in advance of the tax increases and had many chances to sell their properties (some own hundreds of apartments). 

The tax notices will be sent out, or have already been sent out. Now, there are a lot of rich people really pissed! The news media has significantly intensified efforts to blame everything on the Moon administration and ruling party, or try to frame them as inept and corrupt. 

I can imagine my rich real estate speculating acquaintances reaction to their tax bills. They now have to pay about three times more than in the past. They can afford to pay, but they must be screaming bloody murder, calling people commies, and mumbling obscenities at the Moon administration and the ruling progressive party. 

Most didn't sell their multiple residences. If they could, they gifted some residences to their children. Most are waiting for the conservative party to win the National Assembly or Presidential elections and rescind the tax increases.

My property taxes have not gone up, I still pay about six hundred dollars a year on a supposedly million dollar cramped old apartment. 

A lot of Koreans are worried about the rising real estate prices. A lot of commercial space is for rent nowadays, but commercial real estate prices will not fall. The rich have a monopoly on the real estate market, from my perspective. 

The government says the tax increases affect only the top 2% of residence owners. 

Yet, about 44% of Koreans are support the conservative party's presidential candidate (party of the rich, former prosecutors, and powerful), while only 37% support the ruling party's candidate (tax the rich, need to start discussions on changing labor environment and concepts like universal basic income, LOL). 

A lot of people still apparently trust the mostly conservative, and definitely lopsided opinion polls and reporting by the news media. Hopefully, they won't bother to vote. hehe.

Lavish use of subliminal messaging with the subtitles. Misleading wording, conservative party candidate's face smiling in background with positive subtitles, and such.

Last week, the poll numbers were even worse, I think it was 47% for the conservative party candidate and 30% for the ruling party candidate. 

I think the stress from the coronavirus pandemic makes it hard people to recognize the good efforts of many governments. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Visible Universe vs Entire Universe?

Didn't think about that, but thank goodness this guy did. Always thought about things within the visible universe.

Photons are two-dimensional according to the laws of current day physics? 

Lots of stars out there. Take a look below at one small part and its full of stars.