Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Being More Conscious?

Some are more "conscious" than others, naturally. What is being more "conscious"? 

More awareness of words, meanings, concepts, environment, smells, taste, rhythms, etc. 

More intelligence? I was taught that everyone is equal. Some things that I was taught have turned out to be wrong...

Many seem to be limited in their awareness, or consciousness. Too centered on enjoyment, envying wealth and power, avoiding certain thoughts (death, meaning of life, pain, mistakes, sins, ethics)...?

Meditation? If you fall into deep thought, I believe that is meditation. Really easy and natural.

Only about a third of the world population seem to be "enlightened", while another third seem to be cognitively dissonant (illogical) and the remaining third somewhere in between.

Problem is that during elections, misinformation from the cognitively dissonant is prevalent in the media due to several factors. 

Welcome to my world. Three months away from Korean presidential elections. Conservative candidate (former prosecutor who praised former dictator Chun Doo-hwan stating that apart from the Gwangju massacre, he did many good things) is way in the lead in some polls, believe it or not.

Gallup has the race neck and neck between the conservative party candidate and the ruling party candidate. Many Korean polls have the conservative party candidate leading by a wide margin. They say it's due to different methods used in polling. They are a mixture of land lines, regular mobile phones, base rate mobile phones, ARS.

Housing prices have stabilized over the past week in Korea. Increasing property taxes has been the solution to rising prices for the past half century, but the rich had blocked all property tax increase proposals since they had the majority in the National Assembly. 

The ruling Democratic party obtained a majority in the last parliamentary elections and passed the increases. 

According to polls, over half of Koreans are against the tax increases. Most of them believe that they hear on the mostly conservative news media, and in the angry outbursts of the rich.

I know a lot of people with more than two homes. One for living and the others to make money. People with more than two homes all hate the ruling Democratic party and it seems to be affecting the people who like to hang around rich people. 

From my observation, many of the Korean rich seem to be Scrooges and have an aversion to paying any tax.

Property taxes are still VERY low in Korea, as long as you only own one that is worth less than a million dollars. If you own more than one, then the property taxes are similar to what one would pay in the US, I think. Maybe a little more, if you have several really expensive apartments or houses. 

Many news announcers on TV have more than two homes. LOL!!! 

Korea is still trying to implement a five day, 40-hour work week. Things take time, I guess.