Friday, May 12, 2017

"No Big Bang" Theory

It is hard for me to believe that the universe started with a big bang, and it seems there are some people who agree. There are other theories.

Cosmic background radiation doesn't have to be from a big bang. It could be something else. Looking through 14 billion years of space might create a "haze" of radiation. 

Or, the distance of over 14 billion light years would prevent light from further away from reaching us. The expansion of the universe over great distances of tens of billions of light years is faster than the speed of light. So we may see only haze from the furthest light we can see. 

It only makes sense that time has been forever with no start and no end. Makes sense?

Found this following article which explains that the big bang theory is pseudoscience because there is no way to test it. Like the multiverse theories. The truth will come.

Scientific American: Is a Popular Theory of Cosmic Creation Pseudoscience?

New Jersey Looks Certain To Legalize Recreational Pot In 2018

It seems there have been over a 230% increase in opiate deaths in New Jersey in the past couple of years. Pharmaceutical companies and doctors can make money off of opiates. We knew for decades, but still couldn't do anything about it. Thank goodness time changes.

New Jersey : Forget decriminalization. Time to legalize weed | Editorial 

Seems like people in New Jersey will certainly get legal recreational pot soon.

What will society look like in the future? Probably more like what this guy in the following video says. It seems headed that way.

Happy poor and miserable rich

That's what I thought privately. Then I read this following article.

BBC: How rich are you really? 

In the article, they talk about wealth and happiness. They say the rich are used to finding happiness in showing off their wealth, while the poor find happiness in many other ways independent of wealth.

The rich are usually surrounded by those interested primarily in money. They also tend to order people around and get pissed at people. They also usually think they are smarter and so on. Not fun people to be with. Can rich people be humble?

Did God instill thoughts about being humble for nothing?

Which brings me back to my favorite song.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Vermont lawmakers approve legal recreational marijuana

Vermont's House of Representatives approved a measure to legalize recreational use of marijuana which would take effect from July 2018.

Massachusetts and Maine also approved possession and cultivation of marijuana for personal use by adults 21 years of age or older from July 2018.

High Times: Vermont lawmakers approve legal recreational marijuana

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Nobel Prize Winners, Billionaire CEOs, and Other Genius Potheads

The following are just a few of the "stoners" who spoke against marijuana prohibition. Do you really want to lock up people who smoke or ingest weed? Do these people seem like they are criminals? Lack motivation? Would steal to get drugs? Gimme a break!

Stephen Ray Gould was a paleontologist, evolutionary biologist and historian of science

Bill Gates founded Microsoft along with fellow stoner Paul Allen and voted for legalization in Washington

Kary Mullis received a Nobel Laureate in chemistry for his DNA research on the polymerase chain reaction in 1993

Steve Jobs smoked weed in his early days, and also did other drugs, including LSD.

Margaret Mead was a cultural anthropologist and activist who helped spark the feminist and sexual revolution movements in the United States.

Carl Sagan, the well  known scholar on extraterrestrial life and author. For more information on Carl Sagan and his view on marijuana, see our previous article “Carl Sagan and Pot.”

Richard Feynman was a theoretical physicist and received the joint Nobel Prize in 1965. He openly used drugs in the 50s and 60s.

Francis Crick discovered the structure of the DNA molecule in 1953 and jointly received the Nobel Prize in 1962 along with James Watson.

Bill Gates and Warren Buffet started the Giving Pledge in 2010. Paul Allen also joined in the pledge. I wonder how many Korean billionaires have joined the Giving Pledge. Maybe zero? Probably zero? Most likely zero? Their sons are in charge of their companies and stuff. I dun think they are giving their money away. More like trying to build dynasties and shit.

I hope the future holds better things for Korea's "paper economy" (as in "paper tigers").

Monday, May 8, 2017

Marijuana Reverses Aging In Brain

In brains of mouses! Hopefully, it is the same for humans.

Professor Andreas Zimmer from the Institute of Molecular Psychiatry at the University of Bonn reported, "The treatment completely reversed the loss of performance in the old animals.", and "When the activity of the cannabinoid system declines, we find rapid ageing in the brain.".

Wow!!! If it turns out to be the same for humans, eating pot is gonna be really popular.

Science Digest: Cannabis reverses aging processes in the brain, study suggests

Saturday, May 6, 2017

US Judge's Plea For Medical Marijuana - May 2012

The late Gustin L. Reichbach was a justice of the State Supreme Court in Brooklyn, who had been undergoing medical therapy for pancreatic cancer. He wrote the following article pleading that marijuana be legalized for medical purposes, because marijuana relieved pain, help him eat and sleep. When you cannot eat or sleep because of pain and nausea, and the only recourse for relief is marijuana, what do you do? The judge's friends despite all the legal risk, gave him some. And the hospital looked the other way when the judge toked away his last days.

NY Times: A Judge’s Plea for Pot

Marijuana Business Daily : Most Common Medical Conditions of Registered MMJ Patients

There have been an large increase in the number of new publications and organizations related to marijuana in the past year.

AI, Google, , George Soros (empathized medical marijuana as a path to legalization), Gates, Buffet, Tesla, Amazon, Branson, Marijuana.

Seems like the dawn of a new Golden Age. Sure, there are a lot of problems, but ...