Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Nobel Prize Winners, Billionaire CEOs, and Other Genius Potheads

The following are just a few of the "stoners" who spoke against marijuana prohibition. Do you really want to lock up people who smoke or ingest weed? Do these people seem like they are criminals? Lack motivation? Would steal to get drugs? Gimme a break!

Stephen Ray Gould was a paleontologist, evolutionary biologist and historian of science

Bill Gates founded Microsoft along with fellow stoner Paul Allen and voted for legalization in Washington

Kary Mullis received a Nobel Laureate in chemistry for his DNA research on the polymerase chain reaction in 1993

Steve Jobs smoked weed in his early days, and also did other drugs, including LSD.

Margaret Mead was a cultural anthropologist and activist who helped spark the feminist and sexual revolution movements in the United States.

Carl Sagan, the well  known scholar on extraterrestrial life and author. For more information on Carl Sagan and his view on marijuana, see our previous article “Carl Sagan and Pot.”

Richard Feynman was a theoretical physicist and received the joint Nobel Prize in 1965. He openly used drugs in the 50s and 60s.

Francis Crick discovered the structure of the DNA molecule in 1953 and jointly received the Nobel Prize in 1962 along with James Watson.

Bill Gates and Warren Buffet started the Giving Pledge in 2010. Paul Allen also joined in the pledge. I wonder how many Korean billionaires have joined the Giving Pledge. Maybe zero? Probably zero? Most likely zero? Their sons are in charge of their companies and stuff. I dun think they are giving their money away. More like trying to build dynasties and shit.

I hope the future holds better things for Korea's "paper economy" (as in "paper tigers").

Monday, May 8, 2017

Marijuana Reverses Aging In Brain

In brains of mouses! Hopefully, it is the same for humans.

Professor Andreas Zimmer from the Institute of Molecular Psychiatry at the University of Bonn reported, "The treatment completely reversed the loss of performance in the old animals.", and "When the activity of the cannabinoid system declines, we find rapid ageing in the brain.".

Wow!!! If it turns out to be the same for humans, eating pot is gonna be really popular.

Science Digest: Cannabis reverses aging processes in the brain, study suggests

Saturday, May 6, 2017

US Judge's Plea For Medical Marijuana - May 2012

The late Gustin L. Reichbach was a justice of the State Supreme Court in Brooklyn, who had been undergoing medical therapy for pancreatic cancer. He wrote the following article pleading that marijuana be legalized for medical purposes, because marijuana relieved pain, help him eat and sleep. When you cannot eat or sleep because of pain and nausea, and the only recourse for relief is marijuana, what do you do? The judge's friends despite all the legal risk, gave him some. And the hospital looked the other way when the judge toked away his last days.

NY Times: A Judge’s Plea for Pot

Marijuana Business Daily : Most Common Medical Conditions of Registered MMJ Patients

There have been an large increase in the number of new publications and organizations related to marijuana in the past year.

AI, Google, , George Soros (empathized medical marijuana as a path to legalization), Gates, Buffet, Tesla, Amazon, Branson, Marijuana.

Seems like the dawn of a new Golden Age. Sure, there are a lot of problems, but ...

17 More States Seek Legal Recreational Marijuana

Eight states in the USA have already legalized recreational marijuana, and 17 more states have introduced legislation for legal recreational marijuana. Some predict all states will have legal recreational marijuana by 2021. 

Nice! Thought I'd be dead long before pot was legalized in the US. 

I might still be alive when they legalize it in Korea. I'd probably have to live a lot longer.

Details can be found at LA Times: Lawmakers Working to Legalize Pot in 17 States

Western Undercover In Korea

Answered a request for help in CL. Pretty certain I ran into an undercover someone. Tried to get me to talk about pot, and offer pot to him. I asked why he was trying to elicit certain answers from me, and he suddenly had reasons for leaving quickly. Said he was busy.

Probably decided I was sincerely interested in helping foreigners adjust to Korea.

Strange times.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Korean Youth Unemployment and Student Debt - Any Plans?

There is high unemployment among Korean young people, along with high student debts. Are there people in the government who are planning for the future?

I sincerely doubt it. They all seem to be saying we need to improve the economy. Bullshit. The economy, military, government, and large corporations are doing okay. The average Korean is not doing well and is getting shafted, but most don't realize it.

Hmmm... What to do?

Hey, look what's happening in the US. And they are in a much better situation compared to Korea. This following article explains why only 5% of Americans can afford a new car, and why most people can't afford expensive things. Most people in the world are in need of help, even in so-called "advanced" countries.

At least, Bill Gates, Buffet and co. are putting their money to good use. There is hope.

Bloomberg: A $50,000 Chrysler Minivan Explains Slowing U.S. Auto Sales

World's Best Performing Hedge Fund Continues To Invest In Cannabis

Tribeca Investment Partners Pty, owner of the world’s best-performing hedge fund last year, has bought shares in the initial public offering of Cann Group, the only company to have a federal government license to grow marijuana in Australia.

Tribeca has also invested in two North American cannabis  firms Aurora Cannabis Inc. which has a 19.9 percent stake in Cann Group and Canopy Growth Corp., which has the world’s largest pot-growing facility near Niagara Falls.

Bloomberg: Top Hedge Fund Turns to Australian Cannabis Firm for Next Bet

151 billion dollar market projected to grow rapidly for decades. 151 billion dollars is about half of all annual consumer electronics sales globally. Guess there are some more billionaires in the making.