Friday, February 2, 2007


There is no way scientifically they could have known this. Hey, most Westerners thought the world was flat. Remember?

Read about what Mayans knew and wonder how they knew. So, I may have to continue doing this until December 21, 2012. Maybe. You never know, or do you always know.

Brain Mind Science

Examines "Are life and consciousness connected to the funda-mental level of reality?".

With a good quote, "Mind and intelligence are woven into the fabric of the universe" - Freeman Dyson

Quantum processes theory Quoted from above;

Stuart Hameroff, an anaesthetist at the University of Arizona, and Roger Penrose, a mathematician from the University of Cambridge, have raised many of the limitations of the theories above. In particular they argue that they cannot fully explain the observed features of consciousness.

The quantum processes theory put forward by Hameroff and Penrose is based upon the principle that there are two levels of explanation in physics: the familiar classical level used to describe large-scale objects and the quantum level used to describe very small events at the subatomic level.

At the quantum level superimposed states are possible, that is, two possibilities may exist for any event at the same time, but at the classical level either one or the other must exist. Hameroff and Penrose propose that consciousness arises from tiny tube-like structures made of proteins that exist in all the cells in the body, including brain cells, and act as a skeleton that allows cells to keep their shape. They propose that these small structures are the site of quantum processes in the brain, due to their structure and shape. They argue that consciousness is thus not a product of direct brain cell to brain cell activity, but rather the action of subatomic processes occurring in the brain.

More Science


Another British astrophysicist and sub-atomic researcher, Michael Scott, BSc, a graduate of Edinburgh University, cites Niels Bohr's "Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics" as seeming to actually require the existence of consciousness as a non-material extension to space-time. Scott makes the point that sub-atomic physics, as explored by him and other researchers worldwide, no longer views the building blocks of the universe as discrete particles of solid substance, but rather as vague, wavelike structures whose existence borders on the ethereal. Scott further states that:
"The advancement of quantum physics has produced a description of reality which allows the existence of parallel universes. Composed of real substance, they would not interact directly with matter from our universe."

Professor Fred Alan Wolfe, although not a member of the British group, seems to concur with their findings in his book "Mind and the New Physics". In it he states that "as fantastic as it may sound, the 'new physics' called quantum mechanics posits that there exists, side by side with this world, another world, a parallel universe, a duplicate copy that is somehow slightly different and yet the same. And not just two parallel worlds, but three, four, and even more...! In each of these universes, you, I, and all the others who live, have lived, will live, and will have ever lived, are alive."

Arthur Findlay says why not put an extra "o" in the word god? The forces of goodness must be more powerful than the forces of evil in this world and the next. There has to be perfect justice in the universe otherwise we are completely wasting our time trying to bring enlightenment to mankind.

Please think, study, be good, listen to music (it helps).

Please see.

There are ever growing numbers of people who believe what I believe.

See it from God's perspective and you will see everything.

My Thing

My name is? YB what? Obviously. Over here, I am YB Good, a node of possiblities.

Or if you are scientifically inclined, a "wormhole". "Upwardly mobile thought circle" sounds cleaner though.

More Music?

Fleetwood Mac -
Dreams/Everywhere/You Make Loving Fun/Say You Love Me/Family Man/Monday Morning/Over My Head/Landslide/The Chain/Big Love

Beatles -
Happy Birthday/Help/I Saw Her Standing There/In My Life

Billy Idol -
Cradle Of Love

Billy Joel -
We Didn't Start The Fire

Bob Dylan -
Like A Rolling Stone/Stuck In The Middle With You/The Time They Are A Changing

Bob Marley -
Bad Boys


You can phase in and out of metaspace. I think. When you are here in the physical world, you are more "animal instinct".

When you have generated enough energy (good) and are able to resonate harmoniously and are able to overcome "animal instinct", I think/know you are here. Well, you are here always, but you realize/know you are here and can "see".

I could be wrong. I just thought about this.