At the start of Korean president Yoon's administration and just before district elections, corporations pledged to invest, create jobs and other things in Korea.
Korea's leading companies, start-ups pledge to improve corporate culture, environment
As I said previously, it is an overused election gimmick to promote the conservative party.
Surprise! Today, 63% of corporations have no plans to hire new employees in the second half of this year, blaming it on the economy as always. No announcement of the hundreds of billions of dollars in investments yet. Probably have to wait till 2024, except for Samsung which has to invest its billions in surplus sometime soon. Plans to spend billions on chips and acquisitions, but no details yet.
"대기업 10곳 중 6곳, '3高'로 하반기 채용계획 미정 또는 없다" (6 out of 10 corporations have no plans to hire new employees or have not yet decided)
Every single election, a large portion of the populations is mislead by false promises, false news, allegations of wrongdoing, insults, media reports stirring up indignation, etc.
When will those people learn? Maybe never.