Craving the recognition and attention. The life of the rich and famous.
Craving privacy and solitude, until society catches up? The life of the cognitively consonant.
Overcoming addiction to honey might prove impossible. LOL
Would two teaspoons once every week, or three days be considered an addiction? Hope not, but probably so, in strict terms.
If there is honey, it's hard to skip a day or two without honey with milk and/or tea. Mostly tied to enjoyment and pleasure.
Sugar? Even bacteria and viruses can't eat it raw or in high concentrations. Same with honey.
Soap and shampoo? Mostly made of corrosive and poisonous chemicals. Will probably change a lot in the future. Some cosmetics and hygiene products are already making the change, in terms of marketing and some ingredients.
According to a BBC program Animal Einstein (Builder), the intelligence of orangutans was tested before and after they were given human bedding materials.
Orangutans normally build beds in trees using branches and leaves. Their intelligence was tested using images on a touchscreen.
They were then given sheets, pillows, blankets, and other materials. Their quality of sleep was measured through brain waves.
With the given materials, the orangutans were able to achieve a more restful sleep than before and they immediately showed improvements in their intelligence tests.
How does sleep improve intelligence?
Why is sleep needed? Probably many reasons, as eerily stated before.
The BBC program proposes that better sleep led to higher intelligence. Monkey, chimps, orangutans built hammocks or beds in trees and slept better. They learned to build better beds and hammocks, some with roofs to protect from rain. Got more intelligent.
The Korean government gives out research and development grants to universities and corporations for a huge number of things that are not yet developed in Korea, but are being developed in other countries.
Corporations also get tax breaks for investment and other things. The money is used to buy equipment, materials, pay salaries and such.
This is rarely mentioned and has never been emphasized in the Korean media.
Shouldn't salaried taxpayers be given the same amount in funding and incentives? So they can buy what they want and maybe educate, train, or otherwise develop themselves.
Just seems so unfair. Rich get richer, while employees pay taxes of which a portion is used to enrich corporations and the wealthy. The ones who know how to play the research grant and tax loophole game.
And the employees or salaried workers don't realize this is happening. If they do, they assume it is for development of technology. It probably has contributed to the competitiveness of Korean companies and exports.
Funding for research at universities and R&D centers is okay, but if the R&D center and its patents belong to rich corporations that makes billions in profit and price gouge consumers?
Slightly annoying. Less annoying than people who intentionally cut in front of the line, apparently. Running into those kinds of people less frequently than before. Probably due to COVID. Less crowds.
Anyways, if the Korean government can fund corporations and universities, then should it not fund poor people? It seems ENORMOUSLY unfair to give money to corporations but not to the poor.
Poor taxpayers need more relief, incentives for self education and training, and tax breaks from government. It would be good for the economy and since they are poor, the money would go for basics and should not be inflationary.
Korea's national pension system was introduced only a couple or so decades ago. Most of the elderly don't receive much of a pension, less than $500. So, former President Moon's administration quietly started many programs for the elderly.
One is a program for the elderly throughout all districts in Korea. Elderly with income under a certain level can apply to participate in a district cleaning project. If selected, they pick up trash along the road for a short while, five days a week and get paid, guessing around $300-$500 a month. It's really easy. Just basically to get them outside for an hour or two of exercise and an hour of standing around. Most of the cleaning is done by cleaning trucks early around dawn.
Some of the elderly can get jobs, but some cannot. The job program helps. I think the government's basic subsistence allowance for really poor people is $300 a month. I don't see how anyone can survive on $300 a month.
If the conservative party complained about the work program, they would lose their most loyal base - the elderly. So, the mostly conservative media has unusually refrained from attacking former President Moon on the work program.
Develop society for a change, instead of corporations. Good Political Slogan!
A party with a name to strike fear into all conservatives, Socialist Party or People's Party.
Curiously though, the Korean conservative party fraudulently calls itself the People Power Party, when it is more like a Corporate Power Party.
When nations bail out companies, the government or a government controlled entity acquires a stake or corporate bonds. They should give all tax paying citizens a share of the company instead.
That would be more equitable, in my opinion, since it is the citizens who pay taxes that fund the bail out.
Wonder if this will ever happen in the future? Long future, but...
Taxpayers would be more receptive to bailouts and some would be forced to open securities trading accounts, which securities firms should love. Would also serve to promote the stock market. If everyone is in, then the market can be artificially inflated to increase wealth?
All those Korean conglomerates that pledged to spend hundreds of billions of dollars and create more jobs just before district elections are now reducing the number of new employees for the year.
Often write posts, and sometimes in the next few days, corrections or other editing abruptly interrupt my flow of consciousness. After I write a post, I mostly forget about it.
The better subconscious me, or unconscious me? If it is my better unconscious me, then what is doing the thinking for me?
If it is the subconscious, try to make use of it? Have the subconscious do some of the work.
Why are most climate deniers extremely old and seem not to care because they are going to die soon and maybe subconsciously resent young people for living longer? Like Donald Trump, et al.
According to Newport Institute (Gaslighting) - 'Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.'
Yoon is trying to prosecute former president Moon for not accepting a North Korean into South Korea and returning him to the north. The man had murdered a dozen or so people and fled.
Yoon's administration is arguing that the previous administration had no proof of the murder, so they had no right to send the guy back. There was an investigation and parliamentary hearing on this in 2019. Yoon's party had no objections or claims then. Why now? Is Yoon angry about his low ratings, or diverting attention?
They can drag this on for years. There are various false allegations of crimes against many opposition party leaders that have persisted for years. It is the conservative party's main strategy and that party is made up of many former prosecutors like Yoon and almost all of his officials.
The prosecutors also framed a former prime minister. She served her sentence. No justice yet. They were also implicated in framing of ordinary Koreans and opposition as North Korean spies, several times, the last being as recent as a few years ago. And more....
And yet, the US is cozying up to Yoon? Hope not.
Good thing the liberal and progressive parties diluted the powers of the presidential and prosecutor's office. That's why Yoon and his acolytes are so pissed. LOL
"So why is the myth of mass lemming suicide so widely believed? For one, it provides an irresistible metaphor for human behavior. Someone who blindly follows a crowd—maybe even toward catastrophe—is called a lemming. Over the past century, the myth has been invoked to express modern anxieties about how individuality could be submerged and destroyed by mass phenomena, such as political movements or consumer culture."
Individuality destroyed by peer pressure, or mass phenomena.
Used to go on vacations, amusement parks, restaurants, etc. After decades of traffic jams, salty expensive food, and such, I gave up for the most part. LOL
Prez Yoon's administration announced cuts on income tax, corporate tax, inheritance tax, property tax, and maybe some others, lost track.
At least, Korean media is showing figures that the wealthy and large conglomerates save the most from the cuts. If you add in Korean government aid for research and development 'projects' for companies and tax exemptions, some Korean corporations probably save another few percentage points in tax, at least. Save tons on property taxes.
Prediction, rent increases. All so predictable, now.
The government is stating that the wealthy and corporations will invest the savings into their business and create jobs. That's what Trump said, yes? And all previous conservative Korean government have falsely claimed in the past?
Time to observe the level of Korean cognitive dissonance?
There are constant news reports on Yoon telling his ministers to do this and that. To rein in inflation. To do something according to the constitution and law.
What about his suspension for abuse of power when he was head prosecutor and his wife's falsified resumes? And countless other scandals. Big contradiction. All Koreans know or are convinced that Yoon applies rule of law mainly on opponents. Doesn't seem to care about much else. Just stamping out opposition and creating a stir, while he is doing something else. What is he hiding?
Almost guaranteed that Yoon will grant pardons to former Korean president and convict Lee Myung-bak, Lee of Samsung, and other conservative favorites. According to the constitution and law? Let's see.
Wondering if this media blitz will work? Probably raise his approval ratings to the low 40s?
They didn't even shake hands or bump fists during the photos. They raised elbows, as per Reuters article. How awkward! If it was the Moon administration, there would be a media frenzy about how they didn't even shake hands, how bad relations are, and placing the blame on Moon.
Usually, two sides meet and release a statement with results of the meeting. No results. Just the same suggestions as in the past to resolve the problems.
The Moon administration tried to resolve problems with Japan and presented numerous solutions but the Japanese just flatly refused to negotiate. The Reuters article states that the Moon administrations efforts stalled. Let's see if the media reports Yoon administration efforts as stalling when there are no developments next year. Fat chance. LOL. Seems pretty unfair since this happens often, for whatever reason.
Then the media, including CNN commentators, states falsely that Biden hasn't cut tariffs on Chinese products. He has told people to start doing it, and they are. But selectively, as per Fortune report.
Think the US is negotiating with China on the tariffs, but it seems someone is playing hardball.
If Biden unilaterally waived all tariffs on Chinese products, then the media would ask why China didn't do the same and say that Biden waived tariffs without any concessions from China. The media and conservatives would go to town on Biden saying he is weak on China and feebleminded.
Biden's people are probably too busy to defend him from media attacks. Trump has his army of media supporters, where is Biden's? Big money doesn't back Biden, so no media support (owners, advertisers).
Productive people probably too busy to defend Biden on social media. Usually people with too much free time are on social media, IMHO.
Too many American believe things that the media, social media, politicians, rich people, textbooks, and other people without question. Foolish, cognitively dissonant, or what?
In general, most people do not seem to be very informed, or logical.
Maybe, media shouldn't be blamed. Maybe most reporters, journalists, and other related people don't notice certain false and misleading statements in reports and commentary.
When they talk about inflation, usually only one view is stated in a report, usually attributing inflation to one or two things. When someone criticizes others or blames others for problems, question their motives. Remember what Jesus stands for.
Inflation is due to many reasons too long to be contained in a simple report and cannot be blamed on Biden. Most of the blame lies in higher prices for materials and energy, due to conflicts, COVID, sanctions, downsizing, many companies automatically inflating prices because of profit margin and refusing to lower prices when costs for materials and energy go down, money supply, consumer and corporate spending details, and other factors.
Korean retailers and restaurants charging as much as they can until business drops, due to the ridiculously high rents they pay.
Probably the same in New York and other large US cities.
Big Money's greatest fear is inflation. Could halve their wealth in a short time. Panicking. A couple years of 10% inflation...A decade?
A couple of months ago, just before local elections, all the major conglomerates pledged to spend hundreds of billions of dollars and create tons of jobs in the next five years. The conservative party candidates won all the elections for city mayors and province heads.
Now, some conglomerates are saying that their investment plans can change depending on business climate, as predicted in a prior post. I seriously doubt that the conglomerates will keep their pledges, They have used this ploy for almost every election under a conservative party president.
FYI, for billion dollar investments by listed Korean companies, a stock exchange filing is made. For example, Korean shipping firm HMM [KRX:011200] announced plans to spend KRW 15 trillion (USD 11.3 billion) over the next five years.
Nothing from the conglomerates that pledged hundreds of billions of dollars, yet. Some announcements on acquisitions of other companies, but that doesn't create jobs in Korea.
Will people never learn? The younger Korean generation in their 20s and 30s believe what they see on TV without question, seemingly. Majority of 40s and 50s don't trust media on political issues.
Korean President Yoon's approval rating dropped to 32.5%. No media fuss about the rotten job he is doing, or that it could be a record low for a Korean president.
In spite of ALL the extremely FAVORABLE publicity from almost ALL Korean MEDIA, Yoon's approval is dropping. Could go down to around 30%, with support from only hardcore conservatives.
The former prosecutor is obviously trying to smear political opponents with allegations of crimes, as he has done repeatedly throughout his career.
The previous conservative administrations committed crimes and the public wanted investigations. Yoon led the prosecution to convict former President Park Keun-hye and Lee Myung-bak, not the Moon administration.
Yoon locked up many people for falsifying resumes but not his wife, for some reason. It's okay for her to do that, but others get lock up for years?
Imagine if Musk said the same things about a potential bid for Facebook as he did for Twitter.
Musk stated "I also want to make Twitter (Facebook) better than ever by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans."
Make Facebook algorithms open source? About a good a chance as making Google's or Youtube's algorithms open source, probably.
Magic tricks again. Trying to deflect attention from the real problem and gain time before the inevitable.
Countries with really strict gun control laws (South Korea, Japan) have almost no deaths and suicides involving guns.
Very little restrictions on guns = dead people
US conservative politicians obviously value money from lobbyists and freedom to carry guns in public more than lives.
Very simple. If South Korea had gun laws and a gun industry like the US, it would have similar gun violence, assuredly.
In the beginning, there were no laws on guns as they were new. Then as deaths from gun violence mounted, laws restricting use and ownership were enacted. Notice the trend over the past centuries.
Some people are going against the flow. Morally decrepit or cognitively dissonant, maybe?
'Historically, the formation of an administration or a presidential transition committee has led to newspaper front pages being plastered with articles about new policies. I can’t remember seeing those sorts of articles when the Yoon administration’s transition committee was at work.'
Other people also notice that Yoon is just pretending to be governing, while doing something else.
Headlines changed from retaliation to creation. Probably found out that Korea does not have operational control of military forces in case of North Korean provocations.
The media said yesterday that Yoon was meeting to ask the military to strongly retaliate against North Korean provocations (something that Korea already does, in consultation with the head of the Combined ROK/US Forces and United Nations Command).
Now they are going to start planning for a 'strategic command'? South Korea has been planning to regain operational control of its own military forces in case of North Korean provocations for years. So, Korea has been planning to create some system or command for this already.
At least, Yoon probably learned something from the meeting. Doesn't he receive briefings or anything? Seems very uninformed and has meetings with no concrete objectives, it seems. As if he is pretending to be governing, it appears. Resembles former President Park's actions.
Yoon also ordered construction resume on nuclear plants in Korea. Probably needed, but there should have been some discussion beforehand. Just to inform the public on the pros and cons.
Pros - less dependence on oil, etc. for electricity.
Cons - Disposal and storage of nuclear waste from previous reactors is unresolved. Less productive than investments in renewable energy. Cancellation of investment plans for renewable energy.
No discussion. Just pushes ahead with whatever seems popular with the conservatives.
Bull. The US has operational control in case of North Korean provocations. Thank Goodness!
Maybe, Yoon meant non-military retaliation? Could be.
The Korean president can say things, but the US commander in charge of the ROK/US Combined Forces Command has operational control in such situations. Currently, US General Paul LaCamera is in charge. He is also in charge of the United Nations Command.
Fairly ridiculous for a president to try to impress the public with empty words and promises. A lot of older Koreans should know what I know.
President's Moon and Noh pushed to take back control of Korea's defense despite opposition from the conservative party to which Yoon belongs. As a result of years of careful negotiations, Korea was slated to take back control about now, but this has been delayed for a few more years, maybe another decade.
None of the media points out this fact. What BS! Taking everybody for fools. So many people believe what they read in the news and watch on TV. Not very conscious of what is happening around them. Probably too self-centered to notice.
Watched this happen seemingly every day for several decades, even during dictator Park's time. Media fooling the public and the public doesn't catch on. Unbelievable! Why? Hmmm....
Korea is already on China's blacklist due to former President Park Keun-hye's decision to allow US THAAD defense systems to be installed in Korea. Chinese tourist agencies cannot offer tours to Korea. South Korean conglomerate Lotte Group was, in effect, kicked out of China suffering billions of dollars in losses. And more...
With Yoon's stance on China and North Korea, trade with China will worsen. Korean cosmetics used to be really popular in China. Not anymore. Former President Moon took a more diplomatic approach and restored relations somewhat.
Only China can control North Korea. If China withdraws its economic support, North Korea would be hard pressed to give up nuclear weapons and stockpile. That is the only thing standing in the way.
Fight against Russia and China, that's good. But everyone knows South Korea and the US are close allies. Why advertise it and rub it in? For politics? Geez.
Deflects attention from wealthy accruing too much wealth. Less chance attention to wrongdoing by Trump and corporations. Dramatically hinders government of the country. Get more money from lobbyists....get the drift?
Conservatives, in Korea and the US, fight against anything they can to oppose government instead of supporting it or doing something to resolve a problem, seemingly. Just oppose and criticize any attempts to solve problems without offering any solutions.
Similar to doing magic tricks using misdirection. Diverting the public's attention from negative aspects of the wealthy. Just listen and watch. It should be obvious.
Definitely would not trust neighbors or fellow Seoulites with guns. Hell no! Definitely a lot of people would die, if they were allowed to carry guns. Lots of drunk and stressed people. Armed robbery with guns. Assaults and threats with guns.
Criticize the government during former dictator Park's rule in the 60s and 70s and go straight to jail.
Former prosecutors, judges and lawyers seem to run the country now. Having been installed by President Yoon. Talk about cronyism.
Former Presidents Moon and Noh made the noble mistake of appointing officials from within the agency, instead of cronies or loyalists. In Moon's case, he appointed Yoon as head prosecutor without regard to political affiliation. Good guys finish last, in the near term, apparently.
It should be illegal to threaten to kill or severely hurt someone, or say that someone be killed. Same for other aggressive actions. But no, they make other things, like plants, illegal.
In the study, the employees were informed that they were being monitored. So, don't let them know.
The report states that discussing monitoring and finding consensus with the employees will reduce the risk of employees behaving badly.
Working hard and responsibly, and then all of a sudden, being monitored. Definitely results in cognitive dissonance.
Read that the endocannabinoid system plays an important part in health. Sure is a pity that due to laws prohibiting cannabis, very little research could be done in this field.
Inflation in Korea, in 1980, it cost a nickel to ride the bus. Today, it costs a dollar. Beginning salary at Samsung was less than 300 dollars a month. Now, starting salary is around 4,000 dollars a month.
Learned that light travels a few millimeters in a billionth of a second today. Could have done the calculations.
Former prosecutor experienced in jailing people for falsifying documents, resumes, university applications, and so on.
His wife is experienced in falsifying resumes, documents, job applications, and so on. Seems to have been protected when her husband was prosecutor. Her mother has been convicted for a crime but it was overturned, if memory is correct. Investigations into other crimes seem to be suspended while Yoon is in office.
Germany should legalize weed in a couple of years, it seems. They say it will be the tipping stone for Europe, then the UN, and then the world. Think of all the newly created jobs and economy.
In the 1970s, the 'establishment' used to say that legalization of marijuana would lead to an unproductive society. Seems to lead to jobs and wealth creation. And creativity, pleasant atmosphere, chill people, etc.
Fashion, sports, music, movies, online games, digital payments, credit cards, and such, did ya notice?
Sports, a slightly more metaphysical type of war. Fashion, a metaphysically inspired clothing.
Things could be shifting to a more metaphysical world, not the kind of metaverse as defined by Facebook et al.